1st Trimester

do you ever feel like you know too much?

I love these boards but I feel like I get so worried when I read some of the posts. im seeing a fertility dr, so I already feel like I know too much. do yiu ever feel like we have too much info?

Re: do you ever feel like you know too much?

  • Yes, and it drives the doctors and nurses crazy too.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • Absolutely!!! I should just stick with books :)

    I work in clinical research and find it all very interesting, but Google is not always my friend. I've actually stopped reading most of the posts that might freak me out and stopped googling things. There's nothing I can do. I am eating as healthy as I can, trying to get enough rest, exercising and trying to stay positive. That's all you can do.

    I suggest not googling everything and staying away from forums or posts that are going to make you paranoid. Tons of women have healthy pregnancies and babies everyday!
    TTC: Since July 2013
    BFP #1: EDD 05/27/2014 (D&C 10/17/2014)
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  • I'm the worst for this. I should be banned from google. I got obsessed with miscarriage rates and repeat miscarriage rates and symptoms. It's so bad for you. It does nothing but cause stress, especially if you've experienced a loss. I get hung up on percentages and statistics. I don't think i'll chill out until I have my 12wk scan next week.



    09/23/11 - Married DH

    04/01/13 - BFP at 4wks

    05/30/13 - MMC - BO @ 12wks 5d

    08/29/13 - BFP @ 4wks 4d

    09/17/13 - 7wks 2d - Normal HB Detected! Baby measuring perfect for dates and positioning!  

    10/23/13 - 12wks 3d - Perfect NT scan! HB 167 & baby wriggling, waving & yawning!

    12/17/13 - 20wks 2 d - We're having a beautiful baby girl! Go Team Pink!

    05/03/14 - Bobbie Gloria was born at 39+6 weighing 6lb 14oz!

  • I think I'm similar to a couple of the posters in this thread.  I have a tendency to look up unhelpful things and pay too much attention to the things that can go wrong.  I just have to remind myself that every exposure to information isn't an omen that anything particular is going to happen, and just because something does or doesn't happen with one person and one pregnancy, it won't necessarily happen to me with this pregnancy.  So, yeah, sometimes I do take a little break and try not to read anything that's going to freak me out. 

    That said, I do think it would be worse to know too little.  I have a relative who says completely crazy things about pregnancy and believes them to be true (smoking doesn't hurt the baby until the second trimester, alleviation of nausea in the second trimester is an urban legend, if you've had a miscarriage before you should always be on bed rest through your next pregnancy, etc...).  I love her and she's a wonderful woman, but she just wasn't ever educated on pregnancy.  So, in spite of the temptation to get too deep into the what-ifs and cause ourselves panic, I think we're still in a better boat than people who are woefully misinformed/uninformed.
  • Sometimes it is a good thing, though.  I pretty much had to diagnose myself with pre-e and IUGR with DS because the medical community kept missing it.  My independent knowledge and insisting on additional testing may have saved DS's life. ;)

    IF DX: DOR & Fragile X pre-mutation carrier
    2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
    BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
    Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
    BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014

    May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
  • Yes! I'm one to over analyze and over think. I'm kind of jealous of women in the olden days. Thy got to experience raw pregnancy with no books, Google, apps, forums etc. To me, that would make me worry less but since they are here, I can't stay away haha :)
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