So we just found out that we're having twins this week. This is my first pregnancy, first time being a mom and I feel totally overwhelmed and out of my league. Every time people start asking us what we're going to do I feel a panic attack coming on and I have to change the subject. I haven't even gotten used to the idea of growing one human, much less TWO!
Our home is tiny- less than 800 sq ft. We have a cat and a dog. How on earth are we going to fit all of this stuff??? I'm thinking about moving one of our dressers out of our bedroom and into the nursery and using that as the babies' dresser/changing table. I wanted to replace where our dresser was in our bedroom with a twins bassinet (It sort of looks like a pack n play with two bassinets on top) and then have the babies share a crib when it comes time.
Everyone keeps telling us we need rockers and swins and all kinds of things that we just don't have the space for and I can't even imagine using yet and it's stressing me the f*** out!
Anyone with Twins experience able to help me out? Am I crazy for not wanting too much stuff?
Re: Too Much Stuff- a Twins Dilemma
All we have double of are swings, car seats, cribs, high chairs, and bouncers. Nearly all of our "doubles" are second hand. Our swings are travel ones without all the fancy stuff so they're pretty compact. The Fisher Price space saver high chairs do just that and I love them!
Stuff like swings, play mats or bouncers aren't really needs, but they can definitely make your life easier. Pick out a few things that you can see fitting into your house. Many twin moms swear by rock n plays for the first months instead of bassinets or swings. They are VERY compact and may be a great option for your situation. Graco also makes a swing frame that you can just snap your infant car seat into. There are lots of items that have multiple purposes so that saves space and money.
Bottom line, not everything registry checklists or people tell you are "needs" are. Your babies need food, a safe place to sleep, diapers, and clothes. Beyond that, figure out what fits with your lifestyle (and house) and go with it.
Good luck! You got this!
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
That would be my first priority!
I wish moving out was an option. While there are many affordable homes out there we'd first have to sell ours and still have to figure out the other half of a downpayment on a new house. It's just not in the cards right now. The plan (and you know what they say- when you make plans, God laughs!) right now is to sell/buy when the babies are closer to a year.
Thank you all for not just the suggestions but the support. I find that I mostly freak out when other people get me going. My husband is a police officer and also goes to law school at night. I've already accepted that my career is over (I transitioned from sales to teaching two years ago and never landed my own classroom) at least for the next few years. I don't make enough to cover the cost of daycare so it just doesn't make sense. Once our families start to get us going over what to do, what to buy and all that we both start this tailspin of worry. We still feel twice as blessed but man, it's like a living game of Tetris up in here!
We started to figure out some things that work for us and will continue to get used to the idea of two new babies. I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks I don't absolutely need a swing! I'm beginning to think that some of our friends/family work for the people that make this stuff!
(I base this on my nanny experience with twins and my mothering experience with one).
Feb'15 November Siggy Challenge:
Thank you to everyone and especially Nicolewinsbingo and HailsMom for the particualrly excellent information.
I had no idea about the twins bassinet/pack n play thing. Plus I just discovered that a Rock N Play is not the same thing (apparently everyone else knew this). That might be a cheaper option anyway. So right now we're torn between those two items for the first few months.
We are going to go with mini cribs. We do want the babies to establish as much sleeping on their own as they can and especially when it comes time to sharing germs we want to try and prevent that as much as possible.
I didn't know about the Baby Bargains book. That sounds perfect for what we're looking for.
Again, thanks everyone!