This is my first pregnancy and all the warnings about chemicals in everything has me freaked out. I just switched skin care products, shampoo, deodorant and bought all natural cleaning supplies. Any thoughts on how concerned I should be? What are your thoughts on foods to avoid or going organic?
Re: Safety precautions?
Going organic isn't necessarily the best thing for pregnancy. We do buy a fair amount of organic stuff, anyway, because I am a chef and tend to be a little picky. That said, you might find that many organic juices and things like that are also unpasteurized, which is a big no no for pregnant women. Here's what I avoid during pregnancy: sushi, smoked fish, high-mercury fish, deli meat that hasn't been heated well, unpasteurized food of any kind, and runny eggs. I think that's pretty much it. I also try to avoid caffeine (although the general consensus is that a reasonable amount may be fine in pregnancy) and I abstain completely from alcohol (again, there are studies that show an occasional glass of wine is probably ok, but I'm just not that attached to it).
I don't think you have to be as concerned about this stuff as you are. Worrying is actually a very normal pregnancy symptom, and as such we can be patient with it when we experience it, but we also want to try to keep it in check, just as we would any other symptom. Do the best you can, and try not to worry too much.
Congrats on your pregnancy!
You can take the all-natural chemical-free thing as far as you want. It's your body, your baby, your choice. Just use common sense and don't fall for alarmist gimmicks many of these companies use to dupe sensitive, gullible pregnant women.
DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in
Seems like @kimbus22 is having a spelling problem. She also doesn't think out of bottles.
OP, I also stopped doing the majority of laundry, but it's mostly because DH is crazy enough to think I shouldn't be going up and down the basement stairs. I may or may not have agreed with him.
Me: 32 DH: 31.
B/W: good. SA: good.
November 2012: Paratubal cyst found during U/S.
January 10, 2013: Lap removed paratubal cyst and Stage 2 Endometriosis.
3 cycles of Femara + TI = BFNs
June 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 37.5 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFN
July 2013: Femara 2.5 mg, Gonal F Injects 75 IU, Menopur, trigger + IUI = BFP!!!!
Beta 1 @ 11 DPIUI = 76. Progesterone = 27.3
BFP 8/16/2013 // EDD 4/28/2014
Jordan Samuel born April 19, 2014. 6 lb, 12 oz and 18 inches long.
CLICK ME!!!11!!1111!!
November Siggy Challenge