January 2013 Moms

VENT: What a night!

Wow...I think I barely survived last night. I thought it was going to be a good night...DS went to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal and I just thought it was because he didn't take a very long afternoon nap. Well, it bit me in the butt. He woke up as I was getting ready for bed around 11 and didn't fall back to sleep until 1:30. He wasn't crying unless I was trying to get him to go to sleep. He than woke up again at 4:30 and was up until 5:30...I was exhausted. He slept in a little and DH got up with him this morning so I could a little more sleep. I'm thinking he has another tooth coming in. Something like this happened when his first tooth popped up.

On top of that, around 7pm my mom texts me saying she's at the ER getting an MRI on her stomach because she was having really bad pains. She ended up having emergency surgery around midnight and they still didn't know what was wrong until the surgeon got in there. Thankful she is ok. She ended up having some infected  tissue on her ovary, they removed it and she will have a full recovery but it was still stressful.

We also were suppose to go to the pumpkin patch today but got rained out...oh well! I just hope we have a better night tonight....

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Re: VENT: What a night!

  • Yikes! I'm so sorry--that sounds awful! I'm especially sorry to hear about your mom, but I'm glad she's okay. Here's hoping you have a better night tonight. :-)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Scary about your mom - glad she is ok, but when things are already rough it feels like you're being piled on. Here's to a better night tonight!
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