Is anyone pregnant with fibroids? What are fibroids? (Spelling) ? And is it harmful for my baby? I'm kind of thinking this might be causing a lot of my cramping... Anyone been in my shoes?
I had surgery in 2011 to remove 17 fibroids before TTC DD1. One was the size of a grapefruit, one the size of a softball. My Ob removed 8 more during my c-section in 2012. I'm now pregnant with LO2 and have too many fibroids for them to count. They're all small (under 2cm). Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors of the uterus, they're essentially balls of muscle growing in your uterus. They can be outside the uterus, in the uterus wall or inside the uterus cavity. They can cause bleeding, cramping, bladder pressure, etc. before I had surgery I used to have terrible menstrual cramps and super heavy AF. They shouldn't be harmful to the baby but depending on their size and location they might affect the delivery. You should ask your Ob specifically how many fibroids do you have, how big they are and how it will affect the pregnancy and delivery of your baby.
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i have them. was diagnosed with them before becoming pregnant. they were painful! the biggest one i have is about the size of a ping pong ball. i was 5 weeks pregnant and had a painful spell that woke me up out of my sleep and had me in my bed rocking on my knees! that shit was awful. my doc said as long as i wasn't bleeding she wasn't concerned. i do get some cramps from time to time but baby seems to be doing just fine.
Re: Pregnant with Fibroids