
I'm so frustrated

This morning I woke up to fruit flies EVERYWHERE! I found the source was the bananas in the bag we bought, that immediately went to the garage. I told H not to put bananas in a bag (produce bag) cause I viewed it as unnecessary but now I have another reason. Our apples are safe since upon finding them they went in the fridge.

I hate fruit flies. I feel like i'm swallowing them as I breathe. Plus my sister and nieces are coming over with lunch. Lovely...

Maybe we'll just et at the park.

imageLilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: I'm so frustrated

  • Well, the good news is fruit flies are easier to get rid of than ants. Once you get rid of the food, they leave pretty fast.
    -My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules.
  • when we got fruit flies, i tried the apple cider vinegar and dish soap trick.  it worked like a charm.  hope that helps!
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