1st Trimester

What to Expect When You're Expecting

Has anyone read this book? Opinions?  During my first OB visit, I asked my doctor if she would give me advice on what to do and what not to, she suggested reading that book..... Thoughts?

Re: What to Expect When You're Expecting

  • my sister gave it to me and I think its OK. nothing special.

    a friend gave me, my pregnancy week by week and I like that a bit more.

  • For #1 I read it, but I agree with @Adrd47, google works wonder. I did buy the pregnancy Journal this time with baby #2.. Wished I would have found it the first time around. You can write down your thoughts, feelings, who you shared your big news with,  and has room to add pictures of your belly grow.

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  • I bought it and am reading it week by week. It's okay - not bad but not amazing either. I also bought the Mayo Clinic book (sorry forgot the name - baby brain!). It's not bad - better than the other one. I'm not sure if there's really a wow book out there. Guess it depends what you are looking for.
    TTC: Since July 2013
    BFP #1: EDD 05/27/2014 (D&C 10/17/2014)
  • I've heard what to expect when your wifes expanding is a good book for the SO
  • Thank you ladies!  Is it strange that my OB just recommended that I read this book instead of giving me some info herself?  It's my first pregnancy so not sure what's common....
  • I can't stand What to Expect.  The tone of the book is just so annoying with the 

    "jokes" -  (yep! you're preggers!).  Hardy Har.  I like My Pregnancy Week by Week much better because it doesn't treat you like a tween or an idiot.  Basically you can get all of the info and more on the internet, but if you like something solid to hold on to, I recommend My Pregnancy.

  • I didn't like it at all, the tone of the book was annoying and I didn't like the way it's organized. I donated it as soon as I finished reading it. I much prefer the Mayo Clinic guide to pregnancy. I'm reading it again now that I'm expecting LO2
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  • I opted for other books based on Amazon reviews that said What to Expect just scared them...
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  • I have that and my pregnancy week by week. I like the other one better but would recommend either.
  • I didn't find any of the books particularly useful. I got better, more comprehensive information by signing up for several weekly pregnancy updates. I liked the one from TheBump, BabyCenter, BabyGaga (the one that posts on FB, which you can set so only you can see it), and Pregnology.

    This interactive tool is also awesome.


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • I have the pregnancy journal which tells you exactly what is going on day to day. It's very up beat too which is nice
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