December 2010 Moms

XP: Meet Ronan! Birth Story & Pics

Short version:  Had ctx on and off all day the 7th.  Eventually went to the hospital at 10:45pm and was at 5cm.  Had intense back labor, but managed it with counterpressure, breathing and eventually moaning.  Walked the halls, bounced on the labor ball to help him progress.  Things started getting more intense and was checked at 8cm at 4am.  Had my water broken, and 5 INSANE contractions and 2 pushes later little Ronan entered the world at 4:54am after 6 hours of labor! :D

Loooong version:  I had my bloody show Monday morning and contractions about 8 minutes apart.  I went in to be checked for leaking amniotic fluid which came back negative.  A cervix check at that appointment said I was still at 3cm, which I was at my Friday appointment.  Contractions stopped all afternoon, but came back around 5pm with some pain.  They got to be about 4-5 minutes apart and stayed regular after we got DS down for bed.  I had planned to labor longer at home, but all these fast labor stories had me a little concerned so we called my OBs office and were told to go to the hospital to get checked out.  My mom came over to stay with DS and off we went!  Hospital triage checked me in at 5cm so they kept us at around 10:45pm. :) 

My labor with DS was 23 hours in the hospital, and I didn't use any pain meds.  So I knew what was coming this time and had a LOT of anxiety.  I found it difficult to relax through my contractions, but managed to get through them with breathing at first.  I was having back labor, which I also had with DS, so it sucked, but was familiar territory.  Things started getting more intense around 2am, I had to moan through my contractions and have DH put a lot of pressure on my lower back.  I walked the halls for a while, then got on the labor ball, then ended up in bed on my side.  Around 4am I felt some rectal pressure like he was moving down and when the nurse checked I was at 8cm which I was super happy about!  She said she would call the on-call OB, who was actually the OB that had checked me for amniotic fluid earlier that day.  :)  

The OB showed up and asked if I wanted my water broken.  I had declined having it broken with DS and I know that added hours to my labor, so I said lets go for it!  As soon as she broke it I had a crazy intense/painful contraction but worked through it with moaning.  Then I got in the tub hoping that the warm water would help.  Immediately I had another intense contraction, and with the next one I lost control and started yelling.  Everyone rushed in the room, knowing it was almost go time.  They convinced me to get out of the tub and on the bed, so I sloshed out and got on the bed soaking wet. lol I was slammed with another 2 unbearable contractions on top of each other.  But everyone in the room had their hands on me massaging various parts of my body, so it was a weird painful/wonderful massage.  

The very next contraction I had insane pressure and felt like I had to push.  They told me to go for it, so I grabbed DH, held on tight, and pushed as hard as I could.  I felt the ring of fire, and his head was out!  He was turned 90 degrees from what he should have been so they pushed my knees to my chest and told me to push with the next contraction.  I put my chin to my chest, pushed with all I had, felt a crazy flailing down there, and the rest of him came out!  

Ronan Robert Evans Lastname was born at 4:54am on October 8th at 38w 6d.  He was 8lbs 2oz (just slightly under his predicted 39w weight) 20" long and had a 14" head.  He looks just like his brother did as a newborn, and is super mellow which is NOT like his brother. :) I feel wonderful compared to my postpartum experience after the 23 hours with DS1.  I do have a 2nd degree tear, but I don't feel like it's as bad as my tear from last time. I had a hypotensive disorder during pregnancy that made an epi or other pain meds potentially dangerous.  So I am really thankful that I was able to manage the pain on my own and also really thankful for the short labor!  :D 

I used to be a big deal.  Now I'm just old. 

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