I took a HPT last week that was positive. I went to my dr yesterday because of cramping. She did an U/S and saw nothing. She is guessing I am only 4 weeks 2 days. Is it normal to not see anything on an U/S? Also she sent me to have my hormones check and I go back tomorrow for another hormone check. What can she tell by my HCG level? I am terrified of having a miscarriage as this is my first pregnancy. It seems as though miscarriages are much more common than I thought. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Re: FTM and Nervous!
Your HCg levels should double every couple days. So If it does, that means everything is progressing in the pregnancy. One time mine were barely lower than what they should have been (11,000 something instead or 12,000 something) so they did an ultrasound and everything was fine. The tech told me the numbers aren't exact and everyone is different and that as long as the ultrasound is fine, not to worry.
Hope this helps. I wish you the best of luck!!