1st Trimester

How many days later ...

How many days after you thought you had implantation bleeding did you test?

Re: How many days later ...

  • I never had implantation bleeding, but my sister and I got into this conversation one day because she did have it. She waited about a week at the earliest but usually she preferred to wait until her missed period. Same with me, I preferred at wait until my missed period but its completely possible to get a BFP before that, so good luck!
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  • Never had implantation bleeding.


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  • I didn't have implantation bleeding but I had a drop in temperature around 6dpo which I think was implantation. 4 days later (10dpo) I had my BFP!!
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  • I had implantation bleeding on a Saturday (I charted and was supposed to implant likely the day before) and my period was supposed to start that coming Wednesday. Because I knew when I was supposed to implant I got excited!!! So I tested the day of my MP (Wednesday) and got a BFP!
  • I didn't have implantation bleeding either, and I got a positive 9 days after our IUI.

    Mary (33) and Michael (33)

    Diagnosed with PCOS in 2002, Married 4/10/10     TTC #1 June 2011; LAP and tubes flushed in Dec

    2012: 6 Clomid Cycles, all BFN;    RE consult Nov 2012: SIS (all clear)

    2013: 3 Femara Cycles with IUI, all BFN      August 2013: Follistim/Ovidrel = 3 Follies, IUI on 8/29.

    BFP!!!!! 1st Beta = 204 on 9/12/13 2nd Beta = 774 on 9/15/13!!

    First U/S 10/1/13 - It's TWINS!!!!

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