So! I have a low lying placenta and our baby has a possible bowel obstruction. I say possible but my OB says it is only a 5% chance. Still they wanted me to have my ultrasounds done at a perinatal center. That is fine! I had the same with my first daughter. But I just got the EOB from the practice that read the ultrasound and bills for the special doctor that reads it on site. They billed over $800 and my insurance allowed $700! That is just for the reading!! That doesn't include the facility and technician charge billed by the hospital!! I called the payor and pricer for my insurance and they say the allowed amount is in line with the contract rates with that clinic/provider. I am supposed to have these ultrasounds every few weeks until my due date. I cancelled all future ones and will be discussing my options with my doctor. I cannot believe that they can charge so much for less than 30 minutes worth of work! I am beyond furious!! End vent!
Re: Rant! Outrageous U/S Bill
I would see of they are willing to work with you on payment plan or lowered amount. I asked the company who billed me of they woild give me a discount for paying in one lump sum, and they brought my $1100 bill to $800. I was able to use my HSA.
When I went for my 12 week nuchal translucency scan I was expecting a $50.00 copy (the specialist rate) but it ended up being a $100.00 copay for the visit and ultrasound. Even the doctor was surprised.
I hate my new insurance. With DS, I had Cigna and I paid almost nothing out of pocket for my entire pregnancy. I may have had a $20-30 co-pay for the specialist.
Nothing makes me more cranky than dealing with insurance companies at this point.
Iris born Halloween 2013! 6 lbs, 1 oz, 18 inches long
2nd pregnancy -TWINS lost DD1 twin at 8 weeks 6 days DD1 born 6 weeks early
3rd pregnancy- TWINS AGAIN lost both babies at 9 week appt
4th pregnancy- singleton- born at 38 weeks 1 day with the help of weekly 17P injections
5th pregnancy- CP in June
6th pregnancy It's a BOY
Sorry OP, I have no idea what to tell you but I am sorry so many of you have to worry about this kind of thing!
I don't want socialized medicine, which is what it looks like we are turning into.
It's sad that doctors can't treat patients due to insurance not covering procedures or not allowing procedures.
2nd pregnancy -TWINS lost DD1 twin at 8 weeks 6 days DD1 born 6 weeks early
3rd pregnancy- TWINS AGAIN lost both babies at 9 week appt
4th pregnancy- singleton- born at 38 weeks 1 day with the help of weekly 17P injections
5th pregnancy- CP in June
6th pregnancy It's a BOY
I don't want to hijack this thread so I'm done after this comment but I do want to say that being in Canada and being used to universal, public health care, I have a really hard time understanding why so many Americans are afraid of it. I'm happy to admit that it's not a perfect system, I have been frustrated by some of its limitations myself, but I would not trade it for the BS you all have to deal with when it comes to insurance, billing, etc. I may pay taxes out the wazoo for it but I like being able to see a doctor or have something done at the hospital and not having to worry about how much it's going to cost, whether someone is in network or not, whether a procedure will be coded right for insurance to cover it, or whatever. What exactly is so wrong with that? I don't get it.
I don't want to hijack this thread so I'm done after this comment but I do want to say that being in Canada and being used to universal, public health care, I have a really hard time understanding why so many Americans are afraid of it. I'm happy to admit that it's not a perfect system, I have been frustrated by some of its limitations myself, but I would not trade it for the BS you all have to deal with when it comes to insurance, billing, etc. I may pay taxes out the wazoo for it but I like being able to see a doctor or have something done at the hospital and not having to worry about how much it's going to cost, whether someone is in network or not, whether a procedure will be coded right for insurance to cover it, or whatever. What exactly is so wrong with that? I don't get it.
@spacepotatoes I think I love you.