Hey everyone,
I only posted once on TTTC and not long after posting I found out I was pregnant, so I jumped ship to this board! Just wanted to introduce myself before posting a bunch.
I have PCOS and had trouble conceiving due to the irregular periods that PCOS brings. My OB put me on metformin in late July and it obviously worked! My last menstrual was Aug. 19 so my EDD is May 27. I'm finding that the hardest part for me is not being able to tell everyone! I want to shout it from the rooftops but am remaining quiet until the "safe" time, especially since people with PCOS have a higher risk for MC. I'm doing my best to stay positive. So far, I've been tired and have had some bouts of nausea but thankfully haven't been barfing. When I get hungry, I feel like I'm going to die if I don't eat right away, so I've been adjusting to eating smaller meals more frequently.
Question: When people here say how far along they are, is everyone going off of their last menstrual day or estimated date of conception? I'm pretty sure I'm technically 5 weeks, but going off of LMP I'm 7 weeks. I get confused when I read the weekly updates on how big your baby is and not sure which week to look at.
Re: Intro