1st Trimester

Has anyone ever had a Subchorionic Collection (SCC)?

I had my 12-week nuchal translucency ultrasound today and while the babies looked normal, they found something called a subchorionic collection (SCC).  The doctor said that this is a pool of blood that collected under the chorion.  He said that it probably happened when the placenta was forming, and that sometimes it can lead to pregnancy loss.  But since I have made it this far without spotting or bleeding, he said the SCC should resolve itself (the blood will be re-absorbed into my body).

He said there is nothing I can do, and he told me not to worry (yeah right).  I tried doing some Google searches but I haven't found anything useful.  Has anyone else ever heard of this or experienced this?  Thanks in advance.

Re: Has anyone ever had a Subchorionic Collection (SCC)?

  • stop googling. get a hobby, and listen to your dr. just because you want to worry, doesnt mean you should. your dr. said not to worry. so why would you want to google it, just to find some information that would let you worry? i dont understand. i hope everything is fine, and i dont mean to sound mean at all, but chill out woman!

  • That was a kind of harsh response. Maybe a little unneccessary!

    I think its normal to worry, we all worry.  It seems to me that worrying is part of being a mom.  Once my DS was born I found even more stuff to worry about.

    I remember seeing a couple of people with the condition that you described on here when I was pg with DS who went on to have perfectly healthy babies.  It sounds like if it were going to cause a problem for you it would have already.  However, I certainly understand that if the Dr. said you have something that sometimes causes pregnancy loss it would alarm anyone. I would say pray a little extra hard, but I'm sure if your DR was concerned they would have ordered further testing.


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  • i didnt mean to be snarky, or rude. i just dont understand why someone would search for negative information when their dr. told them everything was ok. the end.
  • Thanks for your concern about my mental state, but if a doctor says something that I don't understand or am not familiar with, I prefer to educate myself.  Doctors are not infallible.  I have personal experience with that, sadly enough.  And there are numerous studies that show that patients who take charge of their own care -- or who have a vocal friend or family member who can advocate on their behalf -- experience better results and fewer errors.
  • Yeah, the first poster was a bit unnecessarily harsh. I haven't heard it called SCC but I have heard of subchorionic bleed or hemorrage. That is what I have. It started when I had an u/s last week and the doctor mentioned that there was some blood between the baby and the placenta. Today I started bleeding red blood. I went back in for another u/s and so far everything is ok. It's just the hemorrage coming out.

    So if you google subchorionic bleed/hemorrage you'll probably find out more information. As with anything, they can be benign or they can be problematic. My guess is that because you are so far along that it's probably ok. My doctor explained it to me that it's only a problem if the blood clot comes undone and in the process takes the baby out with it. I know that's not the technical explanation but it would mean that the process of the blood coming out could cause the fetus to detach from the wall. WTEWYE has a section on it that is pretty reassuring.

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  • I had it very early on in my pg with DD.  In the beginning they thought I was m/c and the blood was described as SC bleeding.  Everything turned out OK. She is almost a year now.  HTH
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  • Lurking from the 6-12 I had a SCH (subchoronic hemmorage) with both of my IVF pregnancies.  For me the 1st bleed came at 7 weeks they did bed rest me unfortunately COMPLETELY UNRELATED we had to terminate that pregnancy in the 2nd tri we had no amniotic fluid when we went for our NT scan.

    We did the 2nd IVF with the frozen embryos from the other cycle and at week 5 of the pregnancy i got another huge bleed and this time it only last 2 weeks and the SCH completely disappeared.  My son is now 10m old.  The chance of loss with what you have is very rare.  The worst case scenario is the placenta detaching and the SCH taking over which rarely happens.  I was bedrested for both of these incidents.  So my advice is no sex, no heavy lifting (no more than a gallon of milk) i wasnt allowed to vaccum or really do any house work. But that was my RE and then OBs advice.  The only other thing i can tell you that once you get these for some unknown reason you become very prone in subsequent pregnancies.  Dont know why theres no rhyme or reason for them.  I never got one with my 10 year old son when i was pregnant with him.  But got them both with the last two pregnancies.  I wish you a safe and healthy remainder of your pregnancy.

  • Very reassuring - thank you everyone for the info!  I will check out those other terms.
  • I had one with my third pregnancy. It was discovered at an u/s (8 weeks) because I was having some pretty heavy spotting. It resolved itself around 14 weeks.
  • imagecoyah&b2008:
    i didnt mean to be snarky, or rude. i just dont understand why someone would search for negative information when their dr. told them everything was ok. the end.

    OP, I can't offer helpful information but I'm glad others could--hang in there.

    Coyah, honestly, you are unbelieveably snarky.  She was posting a very legitimate question looking for additional information.  Good for you if you blindly trust what doctors tell you, but some of us like to do some additional learning as well (which the best doctors I know encourage). 

  • One of my friends has the same thing and she is 20 weeks along and doing fine. The doctor told her to take it easy and put her feet up when she comes home from work. I guess the main thing is to rest and not stay on your feet too long. GL, I know that sounds so scary.
    Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
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