1st Trimester

Work is being ridiculous, kinda long.

I work as a caregiver for a healthcare agency. I had a client that I got ready for breakfast everyday, starting at 6:15 am. When morning sickness took over, I had to let job know a little earlier than I had planned that I was pregnant.
The company is run exclusively by women, so I guess I expected them to understand, but it goes right over their heads that I CAN'T do much taking care of someone else, when my husband had to hold me up because I'm completely exhausted by throwing up 50+ times a day.

I don't want to work with a particular client that smokes a pack an hour, I'm not kidding. It's not healthy for me, or Peanut. I've even put this in writing. But I keep getting scheduled as a substitute. Grrrrrr!
(Steps off soapbox)

Re: Work is being ridiculous, kinda long.

  • I think that if you're in such bad shape that your husband has to hold you up then you should really consider calling in sick. If you're not physically able to do your job its pretty silly for you to be there (and for them to be paying you to do stuff you can't do). And if you're truly throwing up 50+ times a day, you need to call your OB and make sure you're not getting dehydrated. If you're having that severe of morning sickness you could look into FMLA if your job qualifies for it. 

    I'm honestly not sure what can be done about the smoking client. I know there are some jobs where once you are pregnant you're pulled from certain exposures (chemo, radiation, certain chemicals, etc) but I'm not sure if smoke exposure counts. You're right that it isn't healthy, and perhaps a note from your OB would make a difference. 
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  • I agree with PPs, call your OB, but I have a hunch you're exaggerating a bit. Have you thought about looking do another job?
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  • Thanks for the advice, I will call my Dr to see if there's anything she can do. I had never heard about the disability stuff. Ill look onto it!
  • I haven't thought about another job, because I don't know how a new company would feel about me taking off for maternity leave in 6 months.
    And I wish I was exaggerating about my MS! It had been miserable, but I know it will be worth it.
  • If you are so sick you cannot stand you need fluids and probably a prescription for Zofran. Women employers or not employers want us to do what they are paying us for, if you can't take care of your morning clients and you want to pick and choose your other clients maybe the best bet for you is to take time off or FMLA
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