1st Trimester

Nuchal Screening Test

I just had my first OB appointment today at 9 weeks 2 days (we have been with an RE until this point).  I had several genetic tests done by our RE (blood only to determine if I am a carrier for anything which I am not).  

Today the OB brought up this nuchal screen.  DH and I are debating whether or not to have it.  I have to call my insurance company tomorrow to see if it is covered (my previous genetic blood screen was covered).  

My question is, however, what are your thoughts on this test?  Is it necessary?  OB seemed indifferent given my age (under 30) and the fact that I have no other medical issues.  

Thank you in advance for your input.

Re: Nuchal Screening Test

  • I like to know if something is concerning and to be prepared. Most the time it's covered but call and check
    Plus it's an extra time to see your lo
    1st loss 8/31
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    3rd pregnancy- TWINS AGAIN lost both babies at 9 week appt
    4th pregnancy- singleton- born at 38 weeks 1 day with the help of weekly 17P injections
    5th pregnancy- CP in June
    6th pregnancy It's a BOY

  • My doc gave us the option, it was our choice if we wanted it or not. I chose to do it. I just wanted to know just incase to plan a head if I had to. Thankfully everything is good. But it's really up to you.
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  • I think its worth it. If my child has special needs I want all the time I can have to prepare and educate myself
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  • My insurance covered it with number 1 and they sucked and pretty much didn't cover anything.  I actually would bet that under a lot of the revisions with the ACA and a lot of the expanded maternity care, that quite a few may cover it. However, you won't know until you check.

    With that said, I don't have maternity (until January) with this one and will be paying OOP. I am still opting to have it done. And I am not AMA.   It can possibly identify a lot of other things other than just downs, etc.  The cash pay price I was quoted was $450.

    IF DX: DOR & Fragile X pre-mutation carrier
    2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
    BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
    Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
    BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014

    May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
  • I guess I'll play devil's advocate then- I will not have the NST and didn't with either DS or DD.  I'm low risk and really all they can give you are odds- nothing conclusive.  So essentially you could drive yourself nuts worrying and wondering if the baby is okay (which, clearly, we all do anyway) and the baby most likely is perfectly fine (given age, no family history or other risk factors).  Further, I would not be willing to undergo the risk of more testing, say an amnio.  For me that risk is too big to take.  I guess to me, ultimately, it comes down to the risk/benefit ratio.  I don't believe the potential perceived "benefit" outweighs the risks, worry, etc. at all.


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  • Lynnja616 said:
    I guess I'll play devil's advocate then- I will not have the NST and didn't with either DS or DD.  I'm low risk and really all they can give you are odds- nothing conclusive.  So essentially you could drive yourself nuts worrying and wondering if the baby is okay (which, clearly, we all do anyway) and the baby most likely is perfectly fine (given age, no family history or other risk factors).  Further, I would not be willing to undergo the risk of more testing, say an amnio.  For me that risk is too big to take.  I guess to me, ultimately, it comes down to the risk/benefit ratio.  I don't believe the potential perceived "benefit" outweighs the risks, worry, etc. at all.

    This is pretty much how I feel about it.  No matter the test results they would not change how we proceeded and I would be absolutely against doing other (more risky) testing to confirm any sort of suspicion that the nuchal screening revealed.  We have never done it before and won't be doing it this time either, plus I limit the number of ultrasounds we have to ideally just the 20 week scan.
  • I got it with my first and plan on doing it again... It seemed like a normal part of the pregnancy scans, so I didn't question it. It's also nice to check in at 12 weeks and make sure baby is looking good...
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  • I'm going amnio. So I probably won't do NST as it would be redundant. But I'm 37, history of spina bifida, and would choose to terminate if the fetus carried trisomy 21 or other defects. As with everything else, the choice seems personal.
  • My insurance covered it so we did it. We want as much information about LO as possible to prepare for it's birth.
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  • I will be 12 weeks tomorrow and I am opting to have the NT scan done, actually tomorrow. Honestly, I want to see our baby again and  to calm my nerves about everything going well. Neither of us have any risk factors. I'm 32, so not sure if my age qualifies. It is a covered benefit with my insurance so I'm doing it.
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