We still have time as LO is only expected in Feb, but dh and I are having a difficult time coming up with a name. Although to be honest I was hoping to have 2 or 3 we agree on and then make the decision when me meet her. Too much to ask!
His list: Leah, Kate
My list: Lilah (my gran's name), Vivienne, Violet, Margot, Claire, Catherine, Elise.
He doesn't like ANY of my first names! I like Leah/Lia, but don't love it. Kate is too hard with our surname, which is a French double barrel name starting with De.
Do you have any other fn suggestions for me?
If we were to go with Leah/Lia, which spelling do you prefer?
Thank you
Re: Leah/Lia/suggestions please
Nymbler brought up Madeleine/Madeline.
If you go with Leah, spell it that way
DS born Oct. '11
TTC #2 with PCOS since Nov. '13
Dx: Low Progesterone (3.3) on 8/12/14
Waiting for RE appointment on 10/28/14
Surprise BFP on cycle 12 -- 10/19/14!
EDD July 1, 2015
Then we will "officially" pick when he or she is born