1st Trimester

Too scared to be excited...

I did way too much reading and the odds of miscarriage are so high i'm freaked out! Also I stupidly read about all these women thinking they had a healthy baby, then a few weeks later no heart beat...FREAKED OUT 12 weeks can't come soon enough, better yet the 9th month.

Re: Too scared to be excited...

  • Stop reading those things!! It will only drive you insane and stress you out. I was very scared of the same thing, I wasn't even able to hear or see my baby's heartbeat until my 12 week appointment, so it was scary but it's turning out just fine :-) You can't go through your whole pregnancy thinking everything is going to go wrong. Unfortunately there are always risks but the best thing you can do is take care of yourself. I was terrified my entire first trimester but now I'm 19 weeks, I have a sweet little boy who's looking good and I'm pretty sure he thinks he's a tiny soccer player! He kicks me constantly (which I love... Constant reassurance) You don't ever stop worrying about everything, but please try to relax a little! Enjoy the fact that you're pregnant and congratulations!
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  • I was scared also when I learned because of my age the rate of miscarriage for me could be anywhere from 30 to 50%. I have gone a little bit overboard with traditional Chinese medicine and eating and drinking foods that are supposed to help prevent miscarriage because I don't want to risk anything.

    That being said, I do want this to be a happy and memorable pregnancy. I know this will be my last child my age pretty much has already dictated that. So I can continue to read all the negative things on the Internet or I can just sit back and relax and take all the tasks that I need to take and play it by ear. If there is one thing that every Internet source should have in common is that miscarriage is 100% out of your control and if you cannot change that then you can't spend your life worry about it.
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  • I know.. and it's hard when you read those stories. I feel the exact same. I had my first appt at 10 weeks and got to see the heartbeat... we have our next appoint on the 14th and I'll be 14 weeks... I wish it was today... I would feel at least a little better knowing the baby is okay at this point and maybe i'd relax a bit.
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  • Stop reading scary shit. Stop googling stuff about miscarriages. Call your doctor if you have to. 

    If you're not bleeding, you're fine. The rate of "silent miscarriages," i.e. miscarriage without bleeding, is 1-3% of ALL MISCARRIAGES. It's so super rare. 

    If you're not visibly miscarrying, you're overwhelmingly probably fine. 


  • Google is not your friend when you are pregnant. I did the same thing yesterday. But you need to keep in kind when you type one specific thing in the search engine, all you are going to find is that one specific thing. So yeah it seems like a lot, but if you go an type in success stories you will find a lot more. I have actually thought I moved on from being scared of mc but it has actually really been affecting me the last few days. I even wanted to buy a doppler. We know what youre feeling :)

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  • I would suggest staying away from the boards that mention loss for awhile and do NOT google!!! I was a nervous wreck throughout my first trimester and drove my husband nuts. It worsens morning sickness too. Just relax and remember if there's not extreme cramping with bleeding then you are fine!! 

    Reading about missed miscarriages are the worst...stay away and think positively!! I know a lot of people would not suggest this but for me, buying a doppler at 10 weeks helped me tremendously until I got to have my appointment today. BUT I am also very small so it was really easy to find the heartbeat...some women can't find it and it freaks them out even more.
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  • Worrying or not worrying doesn't change anything. My first pregnancy I didn't worry and had an early miscarriage. This time I am trying to be optimistic and be happy each day I remain pregnant. 
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  • Stop reading those things! My nurse told me not to read google that if I had questions to call.

    I recently had brown spotting and cramping so was really scared. But guess what? Everything turned out fine and I worried myself sick for no reason. I recently read something that stuck with me "worrying is like a rocking chair, it's something to do but doesn't get you anywhere". :):) just have faith!
  • Just relax! That's all normal and you'll be okay actually miscarriage is a quiet low risk apparently. Just focus on keeping your body healthy and you'll be okay . I was the same way tried not to think about it now I've reached 13 weeks almost 14

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