
stupid insurance company...

I hate the US healthcare system.  My doctor thinks I may have an issue with my blood since I bruise so easily and have had 2 miscarriages in the last year.  He want?s to do a Thrombophilia Panel on me, except it costs thousands and thousands of dollars and the insurance company won?t  pay for it until I have THREE miscarriages and then they will pay for the test.


How retarded is that.


Thrombophilia Panel - Thrombophilia is defined as a predisposition for thrombosis. Increased thrombosis can result from defects in coagulation, fibrinolysis, platelet aggregation and endothelial damage. About 40% of patients with thrombosis are inherited. Inherited thrombophilias have been associated with early and late recurrent pregnancy loss. Obstetrical complications such as intrauterine growth retardation, placental abruption as well as preeclampsia have also been related to abnormal placental vasculature. Genetic thrombophilia are suspected to account for about 30% of these obstetrical complications. Poor pregnancy outcomes are associated with maternal thrombophilia but may also be associated with fetal thrombophilia by inheritance of maternal and paternal thrombophilic genes. Because hemostasis involves not only blood clotting but also dissolution of the clot once formed and damage to the blood vessel wall, the Thrombophilia Panel contains gene muations for 10 genes involved in all aspects of normal hemostasis, not just the usual 3 performed in commericial laboratories.


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