I don't think it is normal even in pregnancy to stand up and get so dizzy you almost black out. I have to hold on to a wall so I don't possibly fall on my face. My husband took my blood pressure and it was normal ... I did try eating more which I think helped. But I still feel fatigued and kind of faint. I could call my office but since it's Saturday I will only talk to a nurse and she was noooooo help last time I called. I did some online searching and this really does not lead to anything good. I know I will just go crazy self diagnosing so I'm trying to ignore what I have read. Anyone else experience really bad faint or dizziness and get any kind of diagnosis on it? Like I said, I know dizziness is normal, but I'm to the point of black out
Re: This dizziness is actually starting to worry me.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
this is exactly what my husband has been trying to get me to do. Just the thought of eating meat makes me gag. I think I'm going to go get some ensure because my protein intake is awful. I was drinking close to 100 oz of water a day and the I just stopped. I'm so happy it's not just me. I knew I would get dizzy by all means but I didn't think blacking out was very safe.
I boiled some eggs last night and I. Do eat a lot of eggs. I also got some Greek yogurt which is not as good as I was hoping. I need to go to wal mart so I think I will get cottage cheese and I'm going to make a protein shake once a day with fruit...
yes see that's what I read. It is life threatening. I'm not as dizzy today... However I did start vomiting so I'm thinking it just ties in with nausea