1st Trimester

This dizziness is actually starting to worry me.

I don't think it is normal even in pregnancy to stand up and get so dizzy you almost black out. I have to hold on to a wall so I don't possibly fall on my face. My husband took my blood pressure and it was normal ... I did try eating more which I think helped. But I still feel fatigued and kind of faint. I could call my office but since it's Saturday I will only talk to a nurse and she was noooooo help last time I called. I did some online searching and this really does not lead to anything good. I know I will just go crazy self diagnosing so I'm trying to ignore what I have read. Anyone else experience really bad faint or dizziness and get any kind of diagnosis on it? Like I said, I know dizziness is normal, but I'm to the point of black out

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Re: This dizziness is actually starting to worry me.

  • Yep.. Plenty. Some days it's worse than others! Are you drinking enough? That tends to be my problem more often than not. I get up and will either need to lean into the wall or slowly slink down to the floor so I don't totally black out. I've also been reading that this is pretty normal and can be caused because your heart is working so much harder than it did before pregnancy. The increased blood volume has something to do with it as well. Mine gets better throughout the day after eating more but it's not usually completely gone. Just be careful! Get up very slowly and as I'm sure you already do, if you feel faint, sit back down!
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  • Eat more protein.

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  • Eat more protein.

    this is exactly what my husband has been trying to get me to do. Just the thought of eating meat makes me gag. I think I'm going to go get some ensure because my protein intake is awful. I was drinking close to 100 oz of water a day and the I just stopped. I'm so happy it's not just me. I knew I would get dizzy by all means but I didn't think blacking out was very safe.

    It's a BOY

  • JKBMA2014 said:
    Eat more protein.

    this is exactly what my husband has been trying to get me to do. Just the thought of eating meat makes me gag. I think I'm going to go get some ensure because my protein intake is awful. I was drinking close to 100 oz of water a day and the I just stopped. I'm so happy it's not just me. I knew I would get dizzy by all means but I didn't think blacking out was very safe.
    Other items besides meal are high in protein. Milk, eggs, beans, peanut butter, cheese, cottage cheese.... just to name a few.

    I boiled some eggs last night and I. Do eat a lot of eggs. I also got some Greek yogurt which is not as good as I was hoping. I need to go to wal mart so I think I will get cottage cheese and I'm going to make a protein shake once a day with fruit...

    It's a BOY

  • I was going to say you should eat more protein, could be dehydration, or low blood sugar could be culprits.
    Racheal- a newly single, student mom to 3 boys 

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  • Ya it's the eat more protein thing if your blood pressure is fine like mine my dr said eat more protein and get your head lower than your heart so the blood pumping up doesn't have to fight gravity. To help

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  • Just wanted to say that I get it too, it's horrible.  I didn't have this with my first.  At first I thought it was food but that doesn't help me much, keeping hydrated helps.  Mostly I just try to remember to stand up slowly and not start walking too quickly. 
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  • Don't worry too much.  I had it with my first 2 and me and my babies are fine.  I'm already experiencing it this time too.  Just take things slow and sit down when you need to.  Last pregnancy I saw a friend at TJ Maxx and was chatting and had to lay on the floor right there cause I got super lightheaded.  You do what you have to do and try to take care of yourself as best as you can.
    Due May 16th with baby #3!
  • Glad to hear it is more common than I thought. I was just reading that it is the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy. And that freaked me out... I mean it literally said "dizziness, faint upon standing to the point of feeling you may pass out" .. But I think it is low blood sugar and lack of nutrition I need to be taking in while pregnant. I neeeeeed to drink more water. That is no question and definitely need more protein. And yes eating does not help lol

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  • I get lightheaded as well.  It happens intermittently but is most common when I get out of bed in the morning.  A few weeks ago my husband and I went to Babies R Us to peruse some stuff and halfway through our visit I had to sit down on the floor and eat a granola bar.  Resting, eating and water seem to help me.


    Once baby is here, ALL THE CHAMPAGNE will be mine.
  • The extreme dizziness associated with ectopic pregnancies is due to internal bleeding due to a burst and is life threatening. If the dizziness you've felt has lasted longer than a day that's not the current problem. I was super dizzy the first few weeks. Drink water, eat protein, and get up slowly to standing position. Hope you get some relief shortly.
  • JURAH said:
    The extreme dizziness associated with ectopic pregnancies is due to internal bleeding due to a burst and is life threatening. If the dizziness you've felt has lasted longer than a day that's not the current problem. I was super dizzy the first few weeks. Drink water, eat protein, and get up slowly to standing position. Hope you get some relief shortly.

    yes see that's what I read. It is life threatening. I'm not as dizzy today... However I did start vomiting so I'm thinking it just ties in with nausea

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