1st Trimester

Newbie, pregnant with IUD in place

Hey y'all,
I'm new to the group, today I'm 9w1d AND I have the Mirena in place. I know, what the heck! I am nervous, but I trust my dr and we are going to continue with the rest of my pregnancy with the IUD in. It seems everyone I know has an opinion on this. I didn't realize my friends and family knew more about my body than I did! I've heard everything from people pressuring me to have the Mirena removed to termination if the pregnancy. How did y'all deal with unwanted advice?

Re: Newbie, pregnant with IUD in place

  • annathystannathyst member
    edited October 2013
    I mean, if you have discussed it with your doctor and the decision you've made is one you're comfortable with, I think thats all there is to say. I know there are risks either way, so its not like theres an easy option that you're neglecting. Tell them thanks but you and your doc have it covered.


    Best of luck with your pregnancy!


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  • I actually got a lot of "you could miscarry" when I announced to some people. I couldn't believe my ears. Like PP said, if you are comfortable with your decision you and your doctor came up with, then it's no one elses business what you do. But I can't say that will stop their unwanted opinions.  

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  • JKBMA2014 said:

    I actually got a lot of "you could miscarry" when I announced to some people. I couldn't believe my ears. Like PP said, if you are comfortable with your decision you and your doctor came up with, then it's no one elses business what you do. But I can't say that will stop their unwanted opinions.  

    It is just so hard to hear!! People believe that all of a sudden your uterus is their business. I know I could miscarry. People don't need to tell me. I'm terrified, I need support, not the" your baby will be deformed if it lives" comments!
  • My immediate family knew I had it in place for treatment of pelvic pain, not BC. So it was not a planned thing that we went out of our way to tell our families. I was already unwell.
  • Oh wow! I currently have an IUD and I know the only 100% way to prevent pregnancy is abstinence...but I've never actually heard of anyone getting pregnant with theirs still in place! You must be going through so many emotions at the moment. I know I would be! Congratulations and H & H!!
  • I tell them to shut the motherfuck up is what I do. Unless its their uterus they need to MYOFB like, yesterday. You can quote me on that. [-(

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