1st Trimester

Visitor Question -HPT Test


I am wondering if you could please tell me what day you were able to turn your HPT, specifically Wondfo's, positive? Thanks!

Trying to have baby #1 since April 2013

DH SA March,May 2014 - Low motility and shape issues. On vitamins per RE to help

Me testing April 3, 2014 - FSH and LH good, HSG showed blocked right tube

April 29, 2014 - First RE appt., right tube needs to be removed and possibly left also if

it's bad too. RE suggests going straight to IVF

June 4, 2014 - LAP/HSC and unexpected endo. removed but tubes got to stay!

June 13, 2014 - Post-Op appointment. We decide where to go next since main issue

is MFI influenced. Trying naturally until decision... Repeat SA  in September. Aiming for IUI #1 November 2014.


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