1st Trimester

Dinner time challenges

My nausea worsens as the day goes on. It starts off ok, then progressively gets worse so that by dinner I am so tired and really just feel gross. I tend to feel sick if I don't eat frequently. The tough part is that my dh is on a diet, not so much a diet just really trying to eat healthy meals to keep up his weight loss. I also have 3 other children who are in activities in the evenings that we usually have to run off to. I can't really stand the thought of cooking much, but need to have a quick healthy dinner on the table. Crockpot meals tend to not be so healthy and mine usually flop for some reason. :( Just wondering if you have any miracle dinner solutions other than takeout! ;) 

Re: Dinner time challenges

  • akifyreakifyre member
    edited October 2013
    Why are your crockpot meals unhealthy? You have control over the ingredients. 

    Try soaking some dried beans over night in slightly salty water. The next day, drain and rinse the beans and toss into your pot and  pour in unsalted cooking broth. The unsalted bit there is important, you get the flavor, but not the sodium you get in the heavily salted ones. Throw in a bag of mixed frozen veggies. Add a bunch of garlic, both in powedered and chopped form, and toss in a goodly bit of your favorite herbs and just let it cook all day. You can even cut up some Canadian bacon (bacon substitute) for that extra kick. 

    Sometimes I like to throw in some rice grains, or pastas to add different textures.

    Let people salt the meal to their own taste, they get less sodium that way, and enjoy!

    Actually that sounds good. I might have to do that this next week.

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  • My go-to easy dinners involve things like rotisserie chicken.  That, or I cook a bunch of chicken on the weekend.  It's easy to cut off what you want, reheat (though I like it cold), add some veggies, maybe throw it all in a wrap, and you're done. 

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  • tons of healthy crockpot recipes....
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  • There are tons of healthy crockpot recipes.  A little higher in sodium but a favorite in our house is chicken breasts or a pork roast and pour BBQ sauce on it, shred just before dinner adding more sauce if necessary and make sandwiches.  Whole wheat bread (or no bread) and pineapple make it extra yummy!  Another is chicken, black beans, tomatoes, and corn, add some Mexican spices and cook all day.  Again, shred and add more seasoning if necessary.  Or pour salsa over chicken breast and bake.  Or salsa over pot roast in crockpot, cook all day on low. Only did this once because the kiddos don't love it, but it was the most tender roast I have ever made.   Pinterest has great crockpot recipes, but you do have to kind of thumb threw them to find healthier ones.
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