Is anyone taking Seroquel for bipolar disorder? My Dr said that it was ok for me to stay on he 300 mg that I am on, but I'm thinking of weaning off anyway. Anyone else in a similar situation? I'm really worried about birth defects/delays. thanks.
I weaned myself off seroquel before getting pregnant, but I was only taking 50mg a day.
The big thing is to talk to your doctor about weighing out the pros and cons of staying on it. You could always try going to a lower dosage by 50mg and seeing how it makes you feel and see if you can handle it. But you should talk to your doctor about that first.
Ya I dunno because I had a friend who has bipolar and I think she stopped taking that while she was pregnant but after giving birth started again. She couldn't breast feed When she went back on it so I don't think it's safe to take it when pregnant.
seroquel is a class c drug. that means its a "take your chance" drug during pregnancy -- some studies show no ill effects and some studies show several ill effects. i was also on a high dosage (200mg) prepregnancy and chose to stop the medicine. my ob said if i have any issues, they'll start me own a low dosage of it and take it day by day.
the important thing is how YOU feel. a happy healthy momma is going to be able to handle anything that gets thrown her way in regards to baby. don't forget your own health on this whole journey. and seriously, take to your ob about any concerns.
Re: seroquel
The big thing is to talk to your doctor about weighing out the pros and cons of staying on it. You could always try going to a lower dosage by 50mg and seeing how it makes you feel and see if you can handle it. But you should talk to your doctor about that first.
the important thing is how YOU feel. a happy healthy momma is going to be able to handle anything that gets thrown her way in regards to baby. don't forget your own health on this whole journey. and seriously, take to your ob about any concerns.