1st Trimester

Running Mommas!


weekly distance...or decrease (ha!):

how youre feeling during running:

challenges you've discovered THIS week with running pregnant:

your favorite food today:

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Re: Running Mommas!

  • weeks: 5 weeks 5 days

    weekly distance...or decrease (ha!): running around 4 miles when i go now,was running 6.

    how youre feeling during running: I am SO tired it's ridiculous! I do wake up at 5 am to run so im sure that that has SOMETHING to do with it but i am slowing down a ton this week! 

    challenges you've discovered THIS week with running pregnant: I FEEL LIKE IM 10 lbs heavier. I am already a few lbs heavier i think!

    also! a huge issue i have found with every pregnancy i have had is sports bras... it does get even worse with breast feeding etc obviously, but i still find giant boob running majorly challenging! 

    your favorite food today: no ms yet for me so i can eat everything but lately i love everything with sun dried tomatoes. 

    KEEP IT UP!!
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  • I'm a runner, and just completed my first half marathon last month (just found out I was pg a couple days before actually), and I haven't ran in about 2 weeks because I am so sick.  I was sick in 1st tri with my first, but it's definitely worse this time around and I can't keep a lot of food down.  I'm PRAYING it starts to ease up because I know I'm losing all my endurance, but I just can't do it right now.

    Any advice??  I told myself this pregnancy that I was going to keep running as long as possible... so far it's not going well!
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  • weeks: 10w 5d

    weekly distance...or decrease (ha!): I've been running 20-30 minutes at a time super slow, 2-3 days per week.  I'm not tracking distance anymore.

    how youre feeling during running:  I just started running again.  MS and exhaustion kept me from running weeks 6 - 9.  I'm to be able to run again!

    challenges you've discovered THIS week with running pregnant: I got my first side stitch in years Monday night!

    your favorite food today: The chimichanga I just ate.
    TTC since March 2012 Me: 31 H: 37 SA: normal HSG (3/7/13): suggested bicornuate uterus MRI (3/15/13): confirmed complete bicornuate uterus 7DPO results: normal CD3 results: FSH = 11.7, AMH = normal July 2013 - 1st round Clomid +TI
  • weeks: Best guess about 4.5 weeks

    weekly distance...or decrease (ha!):  I run three days a week about 2.5/3 miles.  So far that has stayed the same.  I am doing a 5k on December 7th and I fully expect to slow job/walk it by that point.

    how you're feeling during running: So far so good, a little more tired than usual, but able to push on still

    challenges you've discovered THIS week with running pregnant:  Staying awake!  I just want to fall over and sleep ALL the time!

    your favorite food today: Cool Ranch Doritos, yum!  Finished the bag today though :-( so hopefully tomorrow brings a new favorite food (or no rain so I can walk to target and get more).
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  • I'm a runner, and just completed my first half marathon last month (just found out I was pg a couple days before actually), and I haven't ran in about 2 weeks because I am so sick.  I was sick in 1st tri with my first, but it's definitely worse this time around and I can't keep a lot of food down.  I'm PRAYING it starts to ease up because I know I'm losing all my endurance, but I just can't do it right now.

    Any advice??  I told myself this pregnancy that I was going to keep running as long as possible... so far it's not going well!
    Rest assured!!! If you can get mentally demotivated,,, things are great for running in the second tri!!! I quit last pregnancy from blues tile about 14weeks, then my whole winter I was a cute runner pregnant lady & it felt great!
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  • I meant mentally RE motivated !!
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  • jasrun80 said:
    I'm a runner, and just completed my first half marathon last month (just found out I was pg a couple days before actually), and I haven't ran in about 2 weeks because I am so sick.  I was sick in 1st tri with my first, but it's definitely worse this time around and I can't keep a lot of food down.  I'm PRAYING it starts to ease up because I know I'm losing all my endurance, but I just can't do it right now.

    Any advice??  I told myself this pregnancy that I was going to keep running as long as possible... so far it's not going well!
    Rest assured!!! If you can get mentally demotivated,,, things are great for running in the second tri!!! I quit last pregnancy from blues tile about 14weeks, then my whole winter I was a cute runner pregnant lady & it felt great!
    Yup!  Second semester is amazing for running (not for speed, but that's a whole 'nother story -- I'm slow as molasses now).  But, tons more energy.  I barely ran at all first trimester (was a regular 30+ miles a week runner) and now running feels good again.  I'm back to 4-5 times a week.  I can't run as far simply because I run out time since I'm going to slooooooooooow!  
  • Ok I really love all of these posts. Question for you serious runners. I was running four miles up until the time of conception and then just stopped ( ran my last race for the season and lost motivation and it got wretchedly hot out). I'm 11w2days, is it ok to start running again? I just feel like I'm gonna shake this baby loose!
  • ReddvlReddvl member
    edited October 2013

    You are absolutely fine to start running again.  You will not shake the baby loose.  Its very well protected in there!  You may find that your pace is off, but just take it nice and easy.  For reference,  I am a 21 minute 5Ker, so not fast, but decent middle of the pack runner, and at ~12 weeks I tried to do
    one 400 at the track at 8:00 pace and it was so hard for me to haul around that track.  Ha ha.  I used to do them at ~6:00 pace.  
  • Ok I really love all of these posts. Question for you serious runners. I was running four miles up until the time of conception and then just stopped ( ran my last race for the season and lost motivation and it got wretchedly hot out). I'm 11w2days, is it ok to start running again? I just feel like I'm gonna shake this baby loose!

    Yep! I'd just ease in with no expectations,,, just go nice & slow, and enjoy your time being healthy. I know they say not to start a new regime at pregnancy, but I truly believe that that's for people with a history or not working out as part of their routine... If you know your body, you'll definitely feel the difference & some days it's a 3 minute walk that you quit, and some days it's a 50 minute 5 miler!
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  • Weeks: 5 Weekly mileage: I'm running 3 times per week for 3-5 miles and still feeling great. I'm also lifting weights, walking, and swimming. My bike has been neglected lately but I'm thinking it's time to put White Lightening on the trainer....not willing to clip in and ride in the road at thia point and risk falling or getting hit by a car. How I'm feeling running: so far so good! :) I know it's still so early, with DS and DD the fatigue kicked in around week 6 or 7 so I am trying to take advantage of this energy while I have it. Challenges this week: none, except for the florida heat/humidity. I'm down here for work and such a wuss about it! Hydrate hydrate hydrate. Favorite food today: none yet except my half-caf coffee, yummmm. I have a protein shake and banana on deck for breakfast.


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  • weeks: 7 w 6 d

    weekly distance...or decrease (ha!): only 4 miles this week.  My OB told me not to run at my appointment last week because it could "jolt the baby."  I did some research on him and found he told a friend a similar thing and she found him too conservative.  I am switching to a new OB on Monday and spoke with his nurse on the phone.  She asked me to take a week off until he examines me and that typically, my new OB will clear me unless he has a really good reason.  I am looking forward to getting back out there next week!

    how youre feeling during running: Slower than usual, but still strong.

    challenges you've discovered THIS week with running pregnant: Being so nauseous that I have to dry heave/vomit on my runs.  Not fun!

    your favorite food today: Pumpkin muffin!!
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