1st Trimester

Anyone have Ulcerative Colitis?

This is my first pregnancy and I'm currently 5w4d. I've had Ulcerative Colitis or Proctitis fire over 10 years on and off. I was about a month into remission of any symptoms when I found out I was pregnant, then I started getting some. Afraid to start taking meds again. Also having cramping that is making me nervous, usually a symptom I get when I have a flare. Anybody?

Re: Anyone have Ulcerative Colitis?

  • Hi, I have ulcerative colitis I was diagnosed in April 2011 had a healthy baby boy in March of 2012 while taking all of my meds(Asacol HD and Mesilimene enema) sorry spelling. I am now almost 10 weeks and still having to take my meds. Both doctors okayed them last pregnancy and again this one. The last thing I want to have happen is a flare up this early in the pregnancy. I did have a flare up the last 6 weeks of my last pregnancy and it was not fun at all.
  • Thanks ladies, it helps to know I'm not alone! I was on Asocol for a long time when I was diagnosed with UC but it wasn't helping. I got "downgraded" I guess to just UProctitis about 2 years ago and just us Canasa suppositories for flares. I don't have diarrhea ever anymore and now just get bleeding and mucous (TMI). I had a bad flare while planning my wedding over the summer but it went away right after. Then, just popped up again last week about the same time I found out I was preggers.
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  • What diet tricks help? I haven't been able to pin point anything besides popcorn even after 10 years.
  • I have Crohn's Disease, and I've had two healthy pregnancies.  With my first, I had a flare early in the first tri and took prednisone for about 2 months.  No further issues until another flare about 12 weeks post partum.  With my second, I felt great through the entire pregnancy.  

    With IBD, about 1/3 of cases improve during pregnancy, 1/3 stay the same, and 1/3 get worse.

    Also, you should let your OB know ASAP about your condition; I was considered high-risk because of it.  I also had scheduled c-sections with each pregnancy because I have a history of vaginal fistulas and potential labor complications were considered very risky.

    Good luck!
  • For diet tricks, try eliminating refined sugars and processed foods; this made a HUGE difference for me and is also great for pregnancy.  A low-residue diet is also helpful when things get bad.  Make sure you take your prenatal, which will help supplement your diet.  Good luck!
  • I was in remission for years until the 3rd trimester of my last pregnancy.  What has helped immensely is excersizing.  I hate to do it, so I just walk on the treadmill 30 min. 3X per week.  It's made a huge difference with my Crohn's, and it's great for the pregnancy too!
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