1st Trimester

What is a good store that has cheap maternity clothes?

I am not trying to break the bank on maternity clothes when we have a little one to plan and save for. What store did you find to have the most reasonable prices on maternity clothes? Target? Walmart?
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Re: What is a good store that has cheap maternity clothes?

  • Old Navy

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  • Thank you! I didn't even think to check there! They always have massive sale racks in the back. 
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  • Ditto! Old Navy has great maternity clothes, and if you wait for a sale which they almost always have they are really affordable! I got at least half of my maternity wardrobe for my other pregnancies from there. 

  • Old Navy.  Target used to have a great selection too, but I have not checked to any maternity clothes this PG yet so I am not sure if that is still the case.  The Loft also has a maternity line and they have some great sales, but I would not buy any of it full price.


  • I am definitely going to check Old Navy this friday! 
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  • I love the Loft but you are right you definitely have to catch the sales. 
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  • I love my maternity jeans from old navy.

    Order in your pre-preg size. I'm 5'3 so the short ones work well for me!
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  • Old Navy for sure.  I don't think their maternity stuff goes on sale as often as their regular clothes, but I think you can still use coupons on it. Also, Kohls sometimes has decent stuff.  My favorite jeans were from there last pregnancy and I got always got compliments on them!
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    BFP 5/12/13 mmc 6/14/13

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  • I never thought to check Kohls. Thanks! 
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  • Motherhood does have great nursing shirts.  And Target's tanks for nursing.
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    BFP 5/12/13 mmc 6/14/13

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  • Target and Old Navy are great, and Motherhood has good sales.  I also got a bunch of hand me downs from my neighbors last time :)

    Married DH 7/30/11

    CSC arrived 5/7/12 

    CHC arrived 6/2/14

  • Second hand stores. Garage sales.

    This this this.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • With baby #1, and I plan to do the same for this baby, I bought a lot of non-maternity clothes. Just buy long, stretchy shirts.

    I bought a couple skirts and pants that were actually "maternity clothes", but the vast majority of what I bought I was careful to select things I could wear while not pregnant too.

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  • Craigslist.  I'm actually surprised at how little interest I've gotten in the ton of really good (some never worn) stuff I've posted.  I think people automatically think they have to buy new.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • Motherhood isnt normally cheap but right now they have a good sale on some things I got 3 pants and 3 shirts for 100.00
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  • Gap is pretty good if you can get something on clearance. You can also find a lot of nice flowy shirts and tanks at TJ Maxx. You may also be lucky enough to just buy larger sizes in tops or a jersey skirt/maxi dress depending on how tall you are. Local kids consignment shops often carry gently used maternity clothes too.
    J13 May Siggy Challenge: People lacking in common sense raise my blood pressure.

    DD 8/11 | DS1 7/13 | DS2 7/13
  • Burlington Coat Factory is the best place i've found.  Bought three pairs of pant for $7 each.
  • I bought from Old Navy, Walmart and my local swap site. I loved the clothes from Old Navy and hated the clothes from Walmart.

  • Yeah I kind of figured walmart wouldn't have the best quality. Thanks for the heads up. lol 
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  • elmoali said:
    Craigslist.  I'm actually surprised at how little interest I've gotten in the ton of really good (some never worn) stuff I've posted.  I think people automatically think they have to buy new.
    I have 2 weeks worth of a wardrobe including work stuff. It's going to get donate (which is fine because I'm sure they don't get a whole lot of plus size maternity at shelters) but I was shocked that I didn't get even a single bite.

    Seriously.  I had 4 dresses, a winter coat, jeans, brand new cords, tons of blouses and sweaters and I posted it on CL and a ton of local buy/sell sites and got ONE response.  She did buy some of it but still.  We're talking good stuff and I wanted a few bucks a piece.
    Formerly known as elmoali :)

  • Zulilly has sales daily from multiple retailers. They have a lot of cute baby stuff too.
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  • elmoali said:
    elmoali said:
    Craigslist.  I'm actually surprised at how little interest I've gotten in the ton of really good (some never worn) stuff I've posted.  I think people automatically think they have to buy new.
    I have 2 weeks worth of a wardrobe including work stuff. It's going to get donate (which is fine because I'm sure they don't get a whole lot of plus size maternity at shelters) but I was shocked that I didn't get even a single bite.

    Seriously.  I had 4 dresses, a winter coat, jeans, brand new cords, tons of blouses and sweaters and I posted it on CL and a ton of local buy/sell sites and got ONE response.  She did buy some of it but still.  We're talking good stuff and I wanted a few bucks a piece.

    That is very surprising to me. Maternity clothes are very hot items on my local baby swap site. I got about half my wardrobe from there. Heck, that's where I bought the dress and shirt I used in my maternity pictures for a total of $15.
  • I am a full time mom and I am also expecting.. I Also have had a hard time finding reasonable prices Lately and proper sizes.  I have been getting lucky finding some really decent clothes (pants mainly) at my local thrift shops and resale shops. At first I wasn't not so up for resale clothes but after getting two pairs of pants and a shirt for 8$ and in all honesty you will only wear them for a few months and at least then you don't waste so much money on something you only wear for 9 months.  (Goodwill, St. VincenDePaul , local resale shops, & ross)
  • I bought a few maternity shirts at Old Navy during my first pregnancy. They didn't hold up very well even though they were cute at first. Like @Abbyful I bought longer, blousy shirts and stretchy jeans. As far as maternity bottoms I only bought one pair of pants and a skirt, on clearance from the Gap. The quality and fit were really good. I altered my other pants by following a tutorial.
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  • I agree with PP on second hand stores and Craig's List.  I bought 6 pair of barely used maternity pants (2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of khakis, 2 pairs of dress pants, and a pair of athletic pants) for $22!!!  It shocks me more people don't shop at stores like this. It's amazing how often I find lightly used or even new pieces of clothing for literally pennies on the dollars. 
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • @mrsmuq I agree... sometimes it's hard to pick through second hand stores and find decent stuff. at least in my area it is. So, I try to find new stuff marked down on clearance.
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  • I've never been a fan of how ON stuff fits my body or the styles they offer, I prefer Motherhood or Pea in the Pod.  I've bought a ton from OUAC and Goodwill (along with quite a bit new) but maternity clothes are used for such a short amount of time you can find used stuff in good condition pretty easily.

    GSx1 - 05/13/2013
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  • Old Navy  has great cheap maternity clothes online
    BFP 1: Sept 5, 2011 - Ended in Chemical Pregnancy at 5 Weeks
    BFP 2: Dec 2012 - Baby Girl born in July 2012
    BFP 3: Sept 5, 2013 - D&C on Oct 16, 2013
    BFP 4: Jan 30, 2014 - Stick baby Stick ... Due Date Oct 1, 2014

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  • I personally recommend splurging for the Gap pants/jeans - they just seem so much better (for me anyway)!  For everything else, I agree with PPs on Old Navy.  Motherhood Maternity is good for tops/dresses, but can be a little pricey.
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