Okay, so my beta was on the 23rd. I was told that my pg test came back neg. I could barely talk so I didn't ask for my beta. I did have DH call them back.
Beta was 7.
I called the nurse bc I still didnt get AF, and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay and I told her to please make a note that we want to do a fresh IVF, instead of a FET next. Nurse said if I don't get AF by Wed of next week let the dr know at my WTF appt.
5 min later I get a call, and she's like that my beta was 7 and anything under FIVE is considered not pregnant. WTF, my beta was 7! Why are they telling me I'm not pg???
I KNOW that is a terrible number, and then I went on to explain that I took 3 digital tests (and how many dpt it was) and how the 1st and 2nd came out Not PG, but the third came out Pregnant. And then the next day I took the ones w the lines and the lines got fainter and fainter. She confirmed it seems like a chemical pregnancy.
But she is concerned as why I havent got AF yet. So I need to come in for BW to make sure my beta is 0. Then they might have an idea of when I'll get AF.
Now, I KNOW it wasn't a viable PG, but what's up with all this!?!?! I don't know I guess I'm just surprised at the whole thing. I mean, I guess they just told me that I'm not PG bc the beta was so low? But then why does she call me to tell me that they consider anything under FIVE not pg???
Re: Umm, a bit confused.
thats stinks! Sounds like she made an oops and was trying to cover her asss!
at least she is making you come in for blood work to make sure it is at 0 before you go and start more treatments!
my RE's office did something like that with my FET. they consider anything over 2- pregnant. my beta was 4 but they told me i wasn't pregnant- then when i started getting sick & such & told them about it, they admitted that my beta was 4 & re-tested me...it had shot up to 366 or something & then i had to deal with the ectopic crap.
i have no idea. sorry
look at the birds | bless this food
Anything under 5 is considered the "standard" guideline as a cutoff for pregnancy. And I'm sure there's a certain amount of lab error, so a 7 wouldn't be considered much to get excited about. They probably figured a 7 indicated, at best, a CP that would resolve as a late period and it wasn't worth getting you upset to say, "You're pregnant, but likely losing it as we speak."
Just my guess.
Ditto. and more ((hugs))
Have you taken any pg tests recently? I would, just to see. Maybe you'll have a miracle...My first beta with this pregnancy was 5. I had gotten + tests and even a digital, so when it came back that low I was so confused at how I was getting positives. Went back two days later and it had increased/doubled appropriately.
I would be so annoyed that they didn't tell me that my beta was 7 and not negative!
Oh that's frustrating. ?
For my CP, my beta was a 6. ?Now, when the nurse called, she did not say that I was PG - she just said, we have your results and your HCG was 6. ?I immediately said, "Oh, that's not good," so I think she knew that I knew something as to what happens with those low numbers. ?And I had to go back in and see what it did in 2 days in the event it was ectopic or whatever.
They also told me anything under 5 is not PG. ?I would be sure to pry and ask some questions as to why you were not given accurate information during the initial call. ?I think that makes a big difference with your cycle because something did happen. ?After my CP, my RE wanted to emulate that cycle as far as meds went because I had good lining and good follies, etc. ?So it was important that there was something going on.