So not to long ago I wrote a post on this board looking for positivity ... Explaining I was getting frustrated because I had been ttc for 8 months.. Welllllllllll as of two days ago I got my BFP!!!! I am so incredibly happy to be joining you ladies on this board. I already love this board from the overwhelming positive responses I got on that post! Thank you so much! I know it's still really early and things can always go wrong but I am so excited and going to only think positive things!

I look forward to getting to know everyone on first tri!!!
Estimated due date as per my LMP is May 31st, first doctor visit set for Ocotber 16th
Me (30) DH (31) Married 5/13, TTC since 2/13
BFP #1 Blighted Ovum resulting in D&C on 11/1/13
BFP #2 Ectopic Pg, lap surgery on 3/12/14, R tube removed
BFP # 3, EDD 2/21/15 * please be our rainbow*
Re: An intro and a big thank you!