So last week I went in to meet my new OBGYN and he did an ultra sounds just to MAYBE see if we could hear a heartbeat. I was only 5.5 weeks along and he saw a sac and something in it but no heartbeat. At one point we all kinda saw a flutter but we couldn't find it again. He said I am most likely too early to see and hear the heartbeat so he had be come back a wekk later. So this sat I am going in and I will be 7.1 weeks along. Keeping my finger crossed that we hear the heartbeat!! My first pregnancy I had No morning sickness but I did have sore breast. Not crazy sore but sore. I also was bloated but I can't remember how far along I was when I got bloated. I did crave and want to eat a lot of food. Also I was very constipated! other than that I was fine. But this time around I have sore breast but right now they come and go. The veins in my breast are very like BOOM you can see all of them. The soreness comes and goes but my nipples are sensitive and are big not to mention you can see the gladns/bumbs w.e you want to call them VERY well. they also got bigger. I don't really have a crazy need to eat like I did last time. It kinda just has stayed the same. But the past couple days I have been feeling a little nauseas ( 6.4 weeks right now) and food sounds sick until I eat it and then even after that I feel a little sick. Water even taste kinda gross to me as well. I do pee a little more than I usually do. my stomach down there has very mild cramps here and there but I cant tell if it's a tight feeling or a bloated feeling that I have down there. I am VERY constipated. I think yesterday was my first somewhat normal BM, it was awesome TMI I now but really. Other than that I feel great this time around. I hope that doesn't mean something is wrong with my baby. and hopefully when i went in last time is was just way to early for me to hear or see anything. Please write back to this if you have any imput thanks!
Re: A little concerned..need to get off my chest.
TTC #1 4/2009 - DD 2/5/10
TTC #2 since October 2011
2IF issues
Married: August 2012
DD: 9/22/2014
I am 5w6d and had an ultrasound today. We weren't expecting to see a heartbeat, but did
Of course, it isn't as fast as a normal fetal rate at 95bpm, but it was there. I think it just depends on a variety of factors.
As for symptoms, don't worry. I've had next to no symptoms except for fatigue, which I contribute to the progesterone supplements that they have put me on.
I wondered about this but a lot of ladies said they DO hear the heartbeat. I did read one post that the lady said the machine simulated the sound based off the fluttering heart they see. Real or simulated I think would be awesome!
Try not to worry. Hang tight til your ultrasound.
Beautiful Baby Jackson born 8/25/2010
Met the LOML 11/05/2011
Expecting the LO 5/15/2014
Getting Married 10/19/2014