I had to go for a CVS today due to a genetic condition DH and I are both carriers of. When they do the CVS they also do an US and NT Scan. The US tech did not give us a ton of information but she did say that it was measuring thicker than it should. She also said she could see the nasal bone, which I guess is a good sign, but I am still nervous about these results. Fortunately, because they also did the CVS, they can do a preliminary "quick" chromosome analysis and I should have results of that within 24 hours. They were planning to do chromosome testing anyway, but those full results will not be back for 7 - 10 days.
I am surprisingly calm right now, although definitely nervous. I don't want to panic at this point but it is still weighin on me. So anyway, and good thoughts and prayers you could send our way would be very much appreciated.
Re: T & P's please...NT Scan not good