Since getting their BFP, is anyone else hypersensitive to your uterus stretching? I feel like the whole area below my belly button just keeps stretching and moving. It's not really cramping - just more like stretching. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this before.
All Welcome!
Married 7-16-10; TTC since July 2011
Me - 34; DH - 35
Dx: Unexplained Azoo; all blood work normal (including chromosomal abnormality screens); no blockages; 2 SAs with zero sperm, TESA/TESE - no sperm found, likely never produced
Therapeutic Donor Insemination -
Natural Cycle IUI 9/3/13... 9/18/13 - BFP!!!! Stick baby stick!
Beta #1 9/19 (16dpiui) 144 hCG; 19.6 progesterone - Crinone to increase levels; Beta #2 9/23 (20dpiui) 705 hCG; 19.6 progesterone - continue Crinone; Beta #3 9/30 (27dpiui) 8355 hCG; 16.1 progesterone - continue Crinone
U/S #1 10/8 Awesome ultrasound! 1 healthy, growing little bean. H/R 128bpm, measuring 6 weeks, 6 days!; U/S #2 10/21 Just as awesome! H/R 179bpm, measuring 8 weeks 6 days!; Surprise U/S #3 10/28 - still moving along! Measuring 9 weeks 5 days; 12 week U/S & NT Scan 11/13/13: one wiggly, jumpy, kicking, punching, thumb sucking little bean!!! Scan looks good, normal measurements.

H/R 170 bpm; 12/11: Doppler registered H/R at 150 bpm; 12/20: Underlying Chronic Hypertension - Methyldopa to control BP; 1/2/2014 - It's a boy!!!! Everything looks awesome!
EDD - May 27, 2014

Re: Hypersensitive to uterus stretching
DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in