1st Trimester

Telling close friends first - fun ideas?

I am a terrible secret keeper. Especially one this big. It's our first too. I don't have my first dr apt for a couple weeks. My DH and I were thinking of telling our close small group of friends then (4 people). I'd want their support if we did have a mis too.

There are tons of cute ideas on photos and was to announce on Facebook. What about in person with friends not family? Not posting on Facebook til we are out of the high risk for mis time period. I know this group of friends will keep it on the DL and I really need to tell someone at this point!

Re: Telling close friends first - fun ideas?

  • I have a close-knit group of friends too, and if we told them in person, it would be totally fun --- and they'd totally keep it a secret, too. 

    I'm debating telling them! I can't decide...I just want to shout it from a mountain top that I'm pregnant and let the congratulations roll in. It still feels surreal. It's like keeping your engagement a secret...!! 

    Anyway, just wanted to respond. I don't have any particular ideas on how to tell your friends... I think I'd just invite them over and wait until someone asks me if I'm drinking maybe... I don't know. I definitely want to do something totally cute with our parents and family, though. Keeping it from my mom right now is the hardest thing ever!! 

    I did tell my best coworker friend, only because she was there when I took the preggo test and I couldn't keep it in!! 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I got my bestfriend a card... and it said  "Best friends get promoted to Auntie!"
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • We had a "cute" way to tell our parents and our grandparents; however, with our siblings and friends we are going with the simple "Hey, we're pregnant" method. 
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • I know a girl who brought her friends her left over box of tampons and asked if anyone wanted them, she didn't need them anymore. I thought it was funny. They were all very close and all have the same sense of humor. Might not be your taste, but it's an idea. You could always substitute the tampons for beer or something else you can't have :)

  • I just texted my closest friends a pic of the positive digital test. NBD.

    We're telling my parents tomorrow at dinner. We made up a story about needing to use up a high-value coupon before it expires. When we meet them at the restaurant, DS will be wearing a shirt that says "Soon to be a big brother."


    DS: 11/8/11 | 9 lb 7 oz, 22 in
    DD: 5/22/14 | 9 lb 9 oz, 21.5 in

  • At first my hubby and I wanted to wait until christmas to tell the family by giving them a picture to unwrap (which would be a picture of the sonogram). We usually give them pictures of us for christmas and seeing that we got married last year, we could have given them a picture from the wedding. We decided it would be too hard to wait that long, because I am 7 weeks and we want to tell them sooner.
    we also thought of doing the picture idea for thanksgiving, but do not want to wait that long. Well, seeing that my hubby and i both like to play scrabble. we spelled out "we are expecting" on a scrabble board and took a picture of it with our cell phones. we will send it to our family and friends after my appointment in 2 weeks.  
  • you can always find ideas on yahoo.com or pinterest. 
  • We are waiting for our annual Halloween party to tell our friends. Our costume idea is for me to wear a box decorated to look like an oven and for hubby to wear a chef hat and apron. We have a bun in the oven!
  • I thought about texting a cute picture or something, but I want to see the look on their faces and be there for hugs and smiles (and a few happy tears) :-) 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • We told our parents by giving them a photo we took! It was our feet with a pair of baby shoes in the middle : ) They thought it was a photo from our wedding so it was really funny listening to them talk. My brothers on the other hand got a different reveal. We were all sitting down for a family meal and right after we said ,"Amen." I said, "I'm pregnant!" It was so funny! One brother smiled and congratulated me and the other one just stared at me for about 10 minutes! I'm the youngest and the only girl so it was a bit of a surprise that I was the first one to have a baby!
  • You can get everyone together to take a group picture but put it on movie instead of still and then say 1-2-3-I'm pregnant!  You'll get everyone's reactions on film. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I drew a stick figure picture of me, DH, DD and then put a stick baby across my stomach.  i had just gotten a new chalkboard, so it was perfect.  I showed it to DH to tell him.   For our parents, I put an invitation in the mail today - it's an invitation to the birth on May 27th.  Can't wait until they get it!


    BabyFetus Ticker
  • We're 8 weeks going on 9.... And we haven't told anyone!!! My family won't know until thanksgiving... But I'm bloating more and it's hard to hide... We are having lunch with our small group of friends(our monthly thing) Friday... And we are just going to see if they get it they don't then we are waiting for our Christmas card to tell everyone! :) and we are sending those after Thanksgiving...
    Although we are waiting for apt to erasure our pregnancy... We've tried for about 4 years and don't want to jinx it! Good luck! Have fun with it! :)
  • My husband and I went to dinner at Olive Garden with our best friends (another couple). We got there early and told the waitress our plan. When we were all sat down the waitress came to ask if we wanted a wine sample like they always do. My husband said 'O no no. She can't have any!' And I smiled real big while they took a second to kick in. It was cute.
  • Hey, lurking from the TTGP board...my best friend got a bfp-invited me over and gave me a present. She knew I am trying so in my present, she gave me a bag of pregnancy tests, ovulation predictors (left over), a positive pee test and a very cute maternity shirt!! It was a there's still hope bag. :)
  • I tossed the FRER to DH look at. I texted my sisters and BFF. But we are trying to come up with something simple but cute for when we tell the parents.

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
  • Ronka said:
    We are waiting for our annual Halloween party to tell our friends. Our costume idea is for me to wear a box decorated to look like an oven and for hubby to wear a chef hat and apron. We have a bun in the oven!
    My BFF's sister and her DH did this for their first pregnancy, except the found an actual costume set. It was adorable!

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
  • We are using the skeleton preg shirt idea, i cannot wait for Halloween!
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  • I just told my friend today and gave her a cupcake that said "best aunt" on it.... it took her a few minutes but as soon as she figured it out she squealed like a little girl!  It was amazing! 
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