I'm a teacher so I work with all women. I had my first appt Tuesday. I was thinking of telling my coworkers tomorrow, but do you think that is too early?
Just curious what other people think. When is everyone else telling their work?
I'm a teacher, too. Two co-workers and my principal know, but only because I had to go out on bed rest (hopefully just for a week) due to a subchorionic hematoma. So I came clean. I wasn't planning on saying anything until weeks 12-13. I'm only 7 w 3 d, so I was a little bummed to tell them so early.
I would say go with whatever makes you comfortable. For my first, I told the principal at 8 weeks after my 1st appointment (out of courtesy to get a sub lined up for my leave -- and because I was brand new to the school and worried about judgement). I had also told a couple co-workers people earlier in confidence, but word got around quickly (small school) and I had a lot of panicky parents. They got over it, but there were a few uncomfortable weeks in there! Good luck -- and congrats!
DH & I: 29 TTC #1 4/2009 - DD 2/5/10 TTC #2 since October 2011 2IF issues
I'm a teacher too and most of mine already know because I can't stop smiling! Haha!
How far along are you? I am sure you're going to have to go through the whole informing the school board to post your position etc, so I would say tell them when you are ready...when are you going to tell your parents?? And how are you going to? My principal wants me to tell them during our conferences, but I am not comfortable telling them that type of news with conferences...what do you think??
TTC 8/1/11
Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11.
Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF. Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money. June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4 September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!
I am still up in the air on this one. I want to wait at least until my first appt at 8 weeks to make sure everything is ok, but if I can keep it quiet longer I will.
I work in a big, corporate, male dominated, sales environment. There are 8 ladies out of 40 reps. One just announced her pregnancy and March due date, and one just got back from maternity leave. If I announce anytime soon that I'm due in May I'm scared management will scatter and get antsy.
*** ~*~ Married 4.4.09 ~*~ Me-34 & DH-32 ~*~
Complete Thyroidectomy Oct 07' & Cardiac Ablation Surgery for SVAT Sept 11' BFP #1 - 10.3.10 I EDD 6.11.16 I Boy #1 born 6.16.11 BFP #2 - 9.12.13 l EDD 5.27.14 l CP 9.20.13 BFP #3 - 3.5.14 I EDD 11.17.14 I Boy #2 born 11.17.14
I am waiting for my MaternT21 test results. I should be about 12 weeks. This is my second and with all the bloat I'm having a hard time hiding it.
Congrats by the way! I am having a hard time hiding my bloat already too...I have my US the first week of October and if all goes well, I think I'll send the letter to my families then. I know they say you should wait until 12 weeks, but I'm not sure if I can hide it that long.
TTC 8/1/11
Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11.
Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF. Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money. June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4 September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!
My boss and team teachers knew at 6 weeks. I am the worlds worst liar.
I was 12 weeks exactly on Tuesday and that happened to be the day the 8th graders came out and asked if I was pregnant, so pretty much the whole school knows by now.
I'm a teacher as well. I told the lady I coteach with and my paras, god forbid anything happen while I'm in class. I also told 1 other teacher who I'm good friends with. I had my first appt on Tuesday but the ultrasound machine wasn't working so I'm going back on Monday after school. If everything checks out, I'll be telling my principal after since they will most likely need to plan on a sub for the end of the year.
I'm a teacher also and the only person I told at work was my para. I felt that she needed to know especially since we have students who have behavior problems. I'm planning on telling the rest of my coworkers around 12 weeks.
I'm a teacher too. I told the principal and a few of my work friends after my first apt when I was 8 weeks (because I was throwing up a lot). I'm 10 now and actually had someone make a comment about me drinking ginger ale at lunch. She asked if I was pregnant and I said no! haha.. then later that day a PARENT asked me if I was pregnant. I'm 10 weeks and I'm really not bloating that bad. I don't feel like I am showing. I told the parent I wasn't pregnant. I want to wait until 12 weeks.
I work in a bank so I am trying to keep it to myself until after my first doctor's appoint the first week of October. I wanted to wait longer but I am worried with all the lifting and being on my feet all day that I should let them know. I just started this job about two months ago, as well so I am a little nervous about how new coworkers I barely know are going to take it. Good luck and I bet everyone will be happy for you.
I'm a teacher and only told my principal and asst principal. I'm 9 weeks but really wanna hold off telling anyone for as long as possible. I had 2 teachers last week ask if I was pregnant and I told both of them no! I was thinking about letting parents know during conference week but I'm still not 100% sure on that.
I will be waiting as long as possible. I've had coworkers tell early and then go through losses. I think it's hard enough to discuss with family and friends... Can't imagine having to explain that to coworkers. I won't tell until there is no hiding it. Think the movie knocked up.
I'm planning to wait until after my NT scan at 12 weeks on Oct 22nd. However, depending on a diagnosis of a coworker whose cubicle is two over, I may have to come clean tomorrow. Rumor is MRSA and obviously if that's the case, they need to sanitize the entire office and I refuse to stay at work tomorrow if that is the case.
I think I'm just going to tell everyone tomorrow... if anything happens everyone would find out anyway... I'm going to bring in some Dunkin Donuts munchins and say "Kriztyn is expecting a lil munchin in April!"
Re: When to tell coworkers?
TTC #1 4/2009 - DD 2/5/10
TTC #2 since October 2011
2IF issues
I'm a teacher too and most of mine already know because I can't stop smiling! Haha!
How far along are you? I am sure you're going to have to go through the whole informing the school board to post your position etc, so I would say tell them when you are ready...when are you going to tell your parents?? And how are you going to? My principal wants me to tell them during our conferences, but I am not comfortable telling them that type of news with conferences...what do you think??
TTC 8/1/11 Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11. Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF. Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money.
June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach
August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4
September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!
Married 4.4.09 ~*~ Me-34 & DH-32 ~*~
BFP #1 - 10.3.10 I EDD 6.11.16 I Boy #1 born 6.16.11
BFP #2 - 9.12.13 l EDD 5.27.14 l CP 9.20.13
BFP #3 - 3.5.14 I EDD 11.17.14 I Boy #2 born 11.17.14
TTC 8/1/11 Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11. Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF. Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money.
June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach
August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4
September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!
Mommy by the Sea
BFP#1 10 wk missed mc
BFP#2 DS born at 40+2 on 8/14/12 BFP#3 DD Born at 39+3 on 5/13/14