1st Trimester

Cramping Questions

Hi ladies,

I am currently 4W pregnant with my first and I have been having some MS and nausea but the past 2 days I've been fine.  Today, I am having these cramps that feel like period cramps but I also have a pain by my ribs.  I am spotting lightly, but it's inconsistant and I am starting to panic that there is something wrong...has anyone had cramps like this?  Am I freaking out for no reason??  Thanks for the advice...

TTC 8/1/11 Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11. Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF.  Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money.
June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach
August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4
September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!

Re: Cramping Questions

  • I am 6w pregnant with my first and I had the same thing last week.  My doctor said as long as the spotting was intermittent and not bright red, not to worry about it.  My cramps were also above the belly button line, so they believe it was just some gas pain.  I had my hcg levels tested and everything looks great, so I would just try to relax and not worry too much.  Congratulations!
  • Thank-you! And congrats to you as well!!  My dr said the same thing but this pregnancy is IVF so I just want to make sure nothing bad is happening!!

    Are you already having a hard time fitting into your regular clothes?

    TTC 8/1/11 Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11. Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF.  Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money.
    June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach
    August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4
    September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!

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  • a little bit, it's weird!  It's just pants, and only certain pairs.  do you have any other symptoms?
  • Yeah, my jeans are already out of the question to wear...unless they are the low-rise I can get away with it, but I feel like I am going to lose them at any moment.  Some of my work pants are stretchy enough to fit to my body but I get uncomfortable fast.  Today I am wearing black yoga pants and a nice top, and they look fine!  I think I might need to invest in more black/gray yoga pants! haha

    I also have morning sickness right away when I wake up, but it usually goes away by 10, if I eat saltines and drink water.  Haha, what about you?

    TTC 8/1/11 Met with RE: 9/7/12; starting with BW on next CD3 and HSG between CD7-11. Husband has SA 9/21/12; meth with RE 10/11-diagnosed with Male fertility issues 1% chance of getting pregnant naturally, only IVF.  Insurance doesn't cover IVF, took a break from trying until we could save the money.
    June 19-Begin injections for IVF Round 1- only 1 egg dropped, fertilized but did not attach
    August 8-Begin IVF round 2, more aggressive, 10 egges, all 10 fertilized, implanted 1, froze 4
    September 14-got the call that we are expecting!!!

  • Cramps at 4 weeks is super normal. Implantation causes cramping and some of it is just your uterus starting to stretch. Feels a lot like period cramps. Don't worry about spotting unless it's bright red, then call the doctor.

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