Hello everyone! I'm excited to be posting in here. A few days ago I took a pregnancy test and POSITIVE! ... Of course, I had to follow that up with 3 days of peeing on sticks first thing in the morning to make sure that it was, for sure, positive.
My hubby and I have been winging it for a while now and started actively trying and a short while later, here we are. We're amped! (Though, I have moments I feel panicky, but I've heard that's pretty normal, knowing we're in for a lot of changes ahead!) We've agreed not to tell anyone until a little later, just in case, so aside from my hubby, you are the FIRST to know! According to the different book and website information, my due date will be May 27th, so I am 4 weeks & 2 days, still pretty early.
Did anyone else have that "feeling" that it "stuck"? 5 days after conception I had a funky dream about running through a forrest trying to find the crying baby. I came to a clearing and saw a bundle of blankets. I woke up and I knew. I sound pretty crazy, huh? My husband didn't believe it. He had to wait a few days until I could test and it came up positive. ;-)
My first appointment is this coming Monday, any pointers that the pregnancy books don't all go over? Or questions that you thought (or wished you'd thought) to ask? Thanks in advance ladies!
Re: Introduction and Questions
So lets see... Pointers... The only thing that really stands out to me is to drink a lot of water leading up to your appointment. Only because I didn't because a couple days before, I was feeling pretty sick and when they took my blood, it was like syrup! They also had a hard time finding my vein and they said drinking a lot of water can help with that the next time. Plus hydration is important during pregnancy anyway. Everything else, my doctor went over pretty thoroughly! If you do think of questions or concerns, I encourage you to keep a list to bring with you because every time I go to the doctor, there's something I forget to ask her. She did go over morning sickness with me and gave me a list of things I could take (OTC stuff) and then told me there were prescriptions I could get if none of those other things worked, and I definitely ended up needing the prescription. If your doctor doesn't mention it, which most do so I wouldn't worry too much, ask about morning sickness remedies and what they can prescribe you if the OTC stuff doesn't work. There's nothing that sucks more than being nauseous and/or vomiting 24/7... And there are good ways to handle it should that happen to you. I hope it doesn't happen, but worth checking on before it starts!
Congratulations again and welcome to the trimester boards!