1st Trimester

Intro and a question

Hi everyone! Just got my BFP yesterday at 15 DPO. This was our 4th cycle trying. I am a RN and my DH is in insurance. So excited to be here but also nervous! This is my first pregnancy. I called my OB office today to schedule my first appt. They said they don't see patients until between weeks 9-12. I'll be 10 weeks when I go in. They said the first ultrasound isn't until 20 weeks which is the gender US. Really?! 20 weeks?! I thought I would have one at my first appointment to see if there is a heartbeat. I planned on telling family at 12 weeks but how do I tell people before I even know everything is ok? Does this sound normal? I thought an US was done every trimester

Re: Intro and a question

  • And now that I'm thinking about it, they didn't even tell me to take vitamins or anything
  • Congratulations. My first appointment isn't until 10 weeks either and that's with the nurse. I have an appointment with the Ob at 14 weeks. I'm surprised about your ultrasound. They should offer you to do the NT scan in the first trimester to screen for Down syndrome. I believe I had it done at 13 weeks with DD1. Definitely ask your doctor about it at your first appointment.
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