@brookeKern : I paged you over here just because it seemed more appropriate.
Just FYI : posting on TTGP when you haven't been an active regular can get you some flack over there. It's generally ok for known regulars that have graduated to comment on posts
occasionally. However, a newbie that has no connection to the board participating in threads on the regular is frowned upon.
I get it that you were trying to be helpful & you meant no harm. However it can be considered rude by the posters over there. It's viewed by some as rubbing your pregnancy (tickers etc) in their faces when they don't really know you.
It is a public message board, and generally you can post where ever (save the IF/loss boards). It's a good idea to be mindful of the culture a bit though.
I'm trying to be helpful. So hopefully you'll take heed.