1st Trimester

I got a BFP this morning and now spotting

So I took 2 FRER this morning both positive. My period is due to start tomorrow. Anyway I started having light pink spotting when I wipe. Im sure this has been asked a lot on this board but Im just looking for some info. I feel like I got my hopes up to high. This will be my 4th little one and I never experienced this before. So nervous. TIA

Re: I got a BFP this morning and now spotting

  • Lurking...with my little girl I spotted 3 days after my positive test. Even saw some red. She is a healthy 4 month old now :) could be your little one implanting

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  • See I always thought you get a bfp after implantation. I understand it takes a while for bleeding to make its way but I thought it would be brown. It's super light light pink. I'm so scared. Ahhhh!
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