Parenting after a Loss

anyone traveling for New Year's?

My DH insists we go skiing! I would love to pass, but DH is all geared up for it...........we spend NYE in Vermont every year and he doesn't want to miss out on this one.

So, the trip there is usually 3 hours and 15 minutes which will now be stretched into at least a 4.5 hour rise for stops for the baby. Then, we will have to take turns skiing since one of us will have to stay with the baby and since I'm the one breastfeeding her, I'm sure my turns on the slopes will last an hour or less. That on top of packing up everything I will need for baby and not forgetting one item since we will be in ski country and not close to a store that would have baby items. Sounds like fun, huh? Happy New Year!

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Re: anyone traveling for New Year's?

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