1st Trimester

Gender Reveal @ Thanksgiving!

Hi everyone! I will be (hopefully) finding out the gender of my little bean the day before Thanksgiving. I'd like to reveal the gender at our Thanksgiving dinners since we'll be with our family anyway. I have a few ideas, and need your opinions... as well as additional ideas if you have them. :)

1) Make deviled eggs for an appetizer and use food coloring to dye the whipped part, and would put the top of the egg over it so it was revealed only when we were ready

2) Buy an outfit that will be appropriate for the baby to wear to Thanksgiving 2014 and wrap it for my mom and DH's mom to open (we would have 1 for each mom, since we celebrate with 1 family in the morning and the other in the evening). It would have a little note on the package saying, "Guess who's coming to Thanksgiving 2014 dinner..." or something.

3) Tell the family I will bake a pie... put a piece of cardboard in the color matching the gender under the pie so when the first piece is cut, the color is revealed. My concern w/ this one is waiting until the end of the dinner... My mom knows we find out gender the day before so I don't think she will be able to wait until dessert, AND we might slip ourselves.

I'm not a big fan of the balloon idea or the cake idea. But if you have other ideas, I would love to hear them!!! Thanks in advance!!! =)

Re: Gender Reveal @ Thanksgiving!

  • We are planning on a Christmas gender reveal, maybe with a cake. I have seen really cute ones with colored candies in the center.
    Nikolas Knight 
    Born: August 8th, 2009   8lbs 8oz  4:33pm


    Nolan Lawrence 
    Born: May 21st2014   8lbs 14oz  3:27pm

    There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. 
    One is roots; the other, wings."   -Hodding Carter
  • I LOVE the outfit idea!
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  • why not try a Jello salad for dinner time? You can keep it covered, and then when everyone is sitting down you can serve the jello? Might be fun and you dont have to wait until the end?

    Started TTC in 2006, LOTS of trying, and trying, and 7 rounds of IVF with 13 embryos, 2 perfect little boys and 5 loses....
    All finished with babies, started to make diet changes, Keto, to be MORE for my kids, lost 30 pounds, still going, and 3 months in, I had a natural cycle, and then ovulated... Hubs and I are going to see what happens now... Maybe a natural pregnancy? After everything we have been through? Or just a return to normal hormones? We shall see what the future holds!

    Baby Dust To All!!!

  • I like the outfit idea....that is how I plan to tell all the most important folks in my life....
    I got white onesies and I am doing fabric transfers with " I <3 ______ Insert name here...I am waiting until after we hear the heartbeat though....

  • I LOVE the outfit idea!
    I love the deviled egg idea because it involves food...and yummy food at that.
    I thought that idea was cute but think about how hard it would be to actually hide the color like she wants to.
  • Oh man, I want some deviled eggs now!
    I like the egg idea, although it would be hard to keep the dye from bleeding.

    Married 4.4.09  ~*~  Me-34 & DH-32 ~*~
    Complete Thyroidectomy Oct 07'  &  Cardiac Ablation Surgery for SVAT Sept 11'
    BFP #1 - 10.3.10  I  EDD 6.11.16  I  Boy #1 born 6.16.11
    BFP #2 - 9.12.13 l EDD 5.27.14 l CP 9.20.13
    BFP #3 - 3.5.14 I  EDD 11.17.14 I  Boy #2 born 11.17.14

  • I like the pie idea, but only if you have someone else make it.  Keep it a secret for you all as well.  If you all know already, there's really no point in cutesy gender reveal.  IMO.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • If everyone knows you're finding out the sex the day before, chances are that's the first thing they'll ask you about when they see you, so you want to do something easy you can whip out right when you arrive. So I'd stay away from the pie and the eggs (besides no one wants to eat pink/blue eggs) I like your outfit idea. You could also wear a pink/blue t-shirt that says "it's a girl/boy" on your bump. Wear a sweater over it until the reveal. I do like your pie idea but like you said it doesn't work because it makes everyone wait until dessert.
    GBCB!!! Regs, lurkers and newbies we are leaving TheBump. Come join us at the new place ****/board/50/14 image
  • I like the outfit idea is the best.  

    As cool as the egg idea is -- sorry, I would never be able to eat deviled eggs that were died blue or pink. That would just gross me out! 

    And the pie idea -- even you admitted that you wouldn't be able to wait that long to tell everyone! 
    Me: 30 Him: 33
    Married: August 2012
    BFP #1 9/2013 -- MC 10/2013
    DD: 9/22/2014
  • Go with the outfit!!! That's a cute idea!
    Me 34 and DH 39 married in aug. 2002
    Did 5 round of clomid 2010 =BFN
     High levels of NK CELLS DX sept.2012 DOR:# 0.02 
    IVF #1 May 2012  ER 4, EF 2, ET 2 =BFN
    MINI IVF Oct.2012  Cancelled 10-27-12
    Ivf #3 Antagonist Protocol April 2013
    Shared cycle..Donor cycled in July Got 12 eggs 9 fertilized and 8 frozen!!
    DE FET #1 Sept. 3rd 2013 FIRST BFP EVER 5dp5dt
    miscarried Sept 24th at 5 weeks 5 days
    Etopic  D&C and hysterscopy Nov 5 2013
    dx with pre genetic blood clotting dec 2013
    FET #2 Jan 31st  2014 
    Miscarried for a second time again at 5 weeks 5 days
    Currently fostering to adopt an amazing little 1 year old boy..P.J!
    FET#3  is Oct 29th 2014
    BFN on fet #3
    Last and FINAL FET coming JAN 28th 2015
    Everyone Welcome

  • I'm hopefully doing a gender reveal on Thanksgiving too.  We are traveling though so it is much harder for me to find something that will survive a 6hr plane ride + 2 hr drive.  I am either going to make cookies that have either a pink or blue middle when you bite into them (search gender reveal cookie on pinterest) or fortune cookies you can get custom made to say "it's a girl/boy" for the fortune.  I wanted something so that everyone would be able to find out at the same time and all be involved, for example each person having their own cookie vs. one person cutting into a cake.  We are going to make everyone wait until dessert to find out.  I don't care if they ask or want to know before hand, they can wait an hour, at least they won't have to wait until the baby is born like they had to with my SIL!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I like the outfit idea best. I am not a big fan of announcing the sex with food.

    Baby BOY is due May 23, 2014!

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • I like the outfit idea the best, too! While I love me some deviled eggs, I agree with PP about them being dyed.
  • I'm hoping to do something for Thanksgiving as well.  But, I might be finding out in the next week or two, so I don't know if I can hold it in that long.  I was planning to do a cake with blue or pink on the inside - I'd probably have to serve it as the appetizer because I know I wouldn't be able to wait until after dinner
  • We may do a gender reveal around thanksgiving, too...There are some cute ideas on pinterest...although, I think most have been mentioned here.
    IF DX: DOR & Fragile X pre-mutation carrier
    2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
    BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
    Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
    BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014

    May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
  • For our first we revealed at Christmas. We gave my sister-in-law a "present". We told everyone that the present would reveal the gender of our baby and it was up to SIL when to open it. It turned into a fun game where she held out for two hours before my FIL was ready to tackle her to get to the present. Btw, it was a pink shirt that said awesome auntie on it.
    image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


  • Kinipela7 said:

    I like the pie idea, but only if you have someone else make it.  Keep it a secret for you all as well.  If you all know already, there's really no point in cutesy gender reveal.  IMO.

    I totally agree. No one will be as excited as you, so make it a surprise for yourself as well. We will probably have the tech write boy or girl on a piece of paper and we'll bring it to a bakery and have them dye the cake that color. Then we'll cut in and be surprised.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • I like the outfits! Also, do you guys ever go around and say what you're thankful for before the meal? We usually do that. If you do, you could say something to the effect of "We are very thankful for our soon-to-be son/daughter..."

    Mommy to my sweet boy, JG, born May 15, 2014

    Baby #2 due 4/26/16!

  • <---- Team JUST TELL THEM. With words.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

  • Azlebella said:
    We are planning on a Christmas gender reveal, maybe with a cake. I have seen really cute ones with colored candies in the center.
    I'm also thinking of doing a Christmas reveal, if the numbers are right we should be finding out the week before. I cant think of any thing fun!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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  • DH wants a cake at Thanksgiving but what about a pie?  Blueberry for boy and cherry for girl? 
  • I like the idea of something unique and different!  If it isn't your style, fine, but I don't think there is anything wrong with doing something a little different.  In 10 years, no one will remember you just telling them, but they will remember something cute and creative!   
    IF DX: DOR & Fragile X pre-mutation carrier
    2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8
    BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ DS born 9/4/12
    Feb./March 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) and AFC = 4;
    BFP from supps ~ DS#2 due May 2014

    May 2014 January Siggy Challenge:
  • IBackBevo said:
    I like the idea of something unique and different!  If it isn't your style, fine, but I don't think there is anything wrong with doing something a little different.  In 10 years, no one will remember you just telling them, but they will remember something cute and creative!   
    The reason nobody will remember you telling them is because it's not that important. They will never forget what sex your baby is, because they will grow to know & love that baby. But spending time & effort on some production to tell them what they will know is just a waste of time. We didn't see this stuff a few years ago. Too much Pinterest/Facebook.

    H e n r y  May 21, 2014

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