1st Trimester

Simply had to share :)

I'm singing and dancing and crying with joy.

The Verifi results came back negative for Trisomy 13 and 18 and for Down's syndrome, making the chances of the baby having any of these chromosomal abnormalities slim. We also found out that we're having a baby girl!! :) 

My husband had said at the 7w4d ultrasound when he heard the heartbeat for the 1st time that it would be a girl. Talk about a dad's intuition :)

So, so happy. 

Wanted to share with all of you and thank you for the tremendous support you've provided these last couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to graduating to the second trimester board at the end of this week :)
My age: 35; DH age: 36
DH had vasectomy reversal 05/03/13
TTC June 2013
Labs done 6/29; FSH=5.0; Estradiol=62; TSH=2.12
BFP: 07/28/13 7:24 a.m.
First u/s: 7w4d 13mm 164bpm
Heartbeat at 11w0d: 151bpm
Verifi test: negative for Trisomy 13, 18 and Down's syndrome; we're having a girl!!! (98% accuracy)
NT Ultrasound: 9/23/13 All OK 63.8mm 158bpm

EDD: 04/04/14 (also our 11th Wedding Anniversary!)

IAmPregnant Ticker

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