I have a friend on our local board...but she's afraid to come here.
She doesn't think she has a badge of honor to be here, but I would like to think you wonderful ladies would welcome her.
She's been TTC for a year on her own.
Recently (within) the past week, doc diagnosed her with ovulation issues (not ovulating and/or ovulating irregularly).
She is trying to decide whether to try on her own another 3 months (doc wants to see her charting of 3 months) and then do clomid if she isn't pregnant by then.
Or should she go on BCP for 3 months and then go off and try.
So yes I'm asking for her...which do you think is better idea?
Secondly, you ladies will welcome her right - she's afraid to come here, doesn't want to offend anyone.
Love a SAIFer ~
Re: Question for you ladies...
Well, since I'm pregnant I don't know if I'm qualified to make this decision, but I came here after being referred to an RE and diagnosed with anovulation, and that was only after 6-7 months trying on our own (during which time I didn' actual cycle at all). I'd say she "qualifies".
Edit: re: the BCP, from my understanding it takes a few cycles after them to regulate so I don't see how going back on them would help.
Since we are dealing with MFI, I don't really know what the best option is for ovulation issues, but I'm sure someone will have a good answer!
As far as her coming here, the door is open! Please tell her that she will be welcomed with open arms!
Of course she would be welcomed here. I don't think anyone is really proud of their badge of honor. I personally think the first few months is the hardest because you don't understand everything yet. I'm not saying it's easy now, I'm just saying I take it better.
If she is seeing an RE I personally would start ovulation meds right away.
Baby Trail Blog
"Someday we will look at our babies and know it will be worth it. If it was easy, we would not have had our babies, the babies we were meant to have." From Amy052006
Of course she can come here! Everyone is at a different stage, but she could definitely find great answers here. It sounds like she more than qualifies to me. I came here after only trying for a few months on our own, but we knew we had problems right away.
And, I would probably chart with clomid for 3 mos and not go back on bcp's. I don't think there's a huge point for her to do that.
of course she's welcome!!!! i don't know why she'd feel otherwise... :-(
I think it is up to her to decide how aggressive she wants to be. personally, after a year of trying, the last thing I'd want to do is go back on the pill (unless that was a targeted treatment plan following her diagnosis). I don't understand why her doctor wants her to chart for 3 more months... but if its that or BCP... I'd say chart.
Because we're fancy like that.
We all had a starting point. Yes some of us have been here for years and months, but the reason we have stayed as long as we did is because of how wonderful and supportive the women on this board was and are! I hope your friend will come here, she should not have to do it alone. SHe will have a ton of questions these very knowledgable women will help her with!
Has she gotten any testing done yet? That should be her first step, next step should be getting her to ovulate with the help of meds.
Good luck!
After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
<a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v705/arriinthere/PJ/?action=view
Once they discovered my ovulatory issues, I went on Clomid right away (but I had already been charting).
And of course she's welcome:-)
I'm glad you ladies feel the same way I do. I told her you were all a wealth of knowledge and would probably be able to give her great info.
I can only tell her what I went through and the treatments I did.
I think part of the reason that they are waiting 3 months, is she has to student teach and does not want to be going through stuff while doing that. But she does want to get things going.
I don't think she has had any testing done yet.
I gave her the link to the thread, so hopefully she'll make her way over.
I can't speak for her, but I think it is hard for any of us to have to come to the realization that we can't just get pregnant on our own like we all thought was possible. And it makes it hard to adjust to that. But here is a wonderful supportive group of women who helped me through my journey, and hopefully can do the same for her.
And I agree I see no point in going back on BCP.
Two Mc Peas In a Pod
Kayla's Grace
I'd start with ovulation meds immediately
~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~
Blog - No Longer on the DL ~ The Man Cave
Shawn and Larissa
LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
I don't really have any advice, but please tell her to come here. ?We may not have answers, but we sure can help to support her! ?As we ?all know, it is so much easier to do this when you have people who "know" what you are going through.
Tell her to come by!