1st Trimester

Gas from hell

Feels like I can't breathe sometimes. I just want to lie down and sleep through it but I can't even fall asleep.

I think I have gastritis (overabundance of gas that cannot escape) like I had a lot when I was a teenager.

Ugh, this is just ridiculous. I'm seriously eating Tums like candy and I just got some Gas-X which is barely working.

Anybody know a great home remedy for gas?

Re: Gas from hell

  • I had gas SO bad at the beginning of this pregnancy that I thought I was going to die... It was so painful and I felt nauseous because it was so uncomfortable. I could barely walk. Luckily it was the only time that happened but the thing that helped me the most was laying on my stomach with a pillow under my whole torso... Nothing else worked. I heard that there are a few yoga positions that can help so it might be worth looking into. Hope it goes away soon!
    BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • get on all fours then drop your torso down so your butt is still elevated in the air. This will help the trapped gas pass through. I had it really bad too. I took Gasx but didn't find much relief. Also be sure you are drinking lots of water.
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  • I drink a ton of water!  I really just hope this is a temporary thing.
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