1st Trimester

Opinion on these names?

I know it's insanely early. We literally got the positive yesterday. I'm not even 5 weeks yet and weren't expecting at all. I was on birth control actually. But after the initial shock, my boyfriend and I have really started getting a handle on this. Got the hospitals confirmation, got the prenatals, set up two different appointments, told our friends and families. And now only a day later we have more or less decided on two names that I'm in love with. 

So, what are your opinions on them?
Girl - Katherine Leighton Hurst
Boy - Sawyer James Hurst
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Re: Opinion on these names?

  • Yea and I'm already feeling ALL the symptoms too. It's an awful feeling.
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  • I love Katherine, great name! Leighton does not go well with it.

    Sawyer James is not my style, it's just ok.

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  • Isn't it too early for the hospital confirmation?
    m/c 2013
  • You got hospital confirmations before your actual OB appt?  I'm confused.  Either way, your names are good. 
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
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    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
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  • I like Katherine and Leighton but not together.  I do like Sawyer James.  
    ~Married my best friend 06/27/2010~ ~Miscarriage July 2010~ ~Hannah Leigh born 07/26/2011 (5 weeks early) @ 8:38am 4lbs 15oz~
  • Darbie914 said:
    I like your name choices!

    I'm a little surprised that you got confirmation from a hospital already at just 5 weeks.  Normally, they make you wait until at least 8 weeks.  Maybe I just had an abnormal experience.
    No, you're right.  5 weeks is abnormally early to get a confirmation from an OB during a normal and unexpected pregnancy.  
    ~Married my best friend 06/27/2010~ ~Miscarriage July 2010~ ~Hannah Leigh born 07/26/2011 (5 weeks early) @ 8:38am 4lbs 15oz~
  • Well I don't know about her but my office has a walk in pregnant test that you have to do before you are allowed to make an appointment. You can go in at any time during normal office hours and get it confirmed and documented.
  • I had a confirmed pregnancy through a blood test this week and I am right around 5 weeks, maybe she is talking about that? Otherwise, I don't have an ultrasound book until Oct. 3 when I am 7-8 weeks.
    February Siggy Challenge May 2014: Favorite Wedding Photoimage
  • Katherine has always been a very favorite of mine.  And Sawyer.  I've never thought about that I actually really like it.  I'm going to suggest that to my husband lol
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  • I like both, but agree that Katherine and Leighton do not go well together.


    Baby #1 due June 5th, 2014

  • I like them both!
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  • I like both. Truthfully though, what would it really matter if I didn't like them?

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  • I like them both.  I don't mean to be a downer, but having a history of m/c myself, I get uncomfortable when people spread the word far and wide so early.  Five weeks is still so early.  I'm 12 weeks and we still haven't told anyone but our parents, siblings, and a very small number of close friends.
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  • Thank you. I really appreciate that. Yes the idea of a miscarriage scares me but I'm not going to hide this. Not to mention how nauseous and tired I am already, it'd be hard to do that haha. I'm going to do everything I can to just have a healthy baby. That's my goal.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • And no it isn't too early for hospital confirmation. They even said I found out early though. I'm just one of those lucky women who got symptoms right after conception and they've been kicking my butt since. I got it confirmed the day after my missed period, but it was obvious. I took two home tests and went to the hospital the day of the second one. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • jkelly41 said:
    I like them both.  I don't mean to be a downer, but having a history of m/c myself, I get uncomfortable when people spread the word far and wide so early.  Five weeks is still so early.  I'm 12 weeks and we still haven't told anyone but our parents, siblings, and a very small number of close friends.

    I don't know why you would even bother to bring this up. 1) She already told people, she can't un-tell them now. 2) It is not about YOU when someone else decides what THEY feel comfortable with. Your comment was out of place and a very bitchy thing to do.

    Calm your roll.  5 weeks is very early to tell people.  I don't think she was trying to be rude, I think she is trying to be protective, those of us who have had several losses and have had to tell people, know what that is like, and would like to keep others from feeling the same way.  It is horrible when people ask you about your baby and you're no longer pregnant.  Also, speaking of rude.  If you want to admonish someone in a post like this, at least have the decency to start off by saying "I'm sorry for your losses" 
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • I got seen the Tuesday after I found out! And I was only at 4weeks. Then had my ultrasound at 6weeks and we told all our family then waited for our ultrasound and probably 90% of our friends know:) It is a choice, some women like to enjoy their pregnancy even if it lasts for 2weeks or for FORVER! So tell whoever you would like :))
    but I LOVE the names!! Very cute! Leighton is a fav of mine:))
  • jkelly41 said:
    I like them both.  I don't mean to be a downer, but having a history of m/c myself, I get uncomfortable when people spread the word far and wide so early.  Five weeks is still so early.  I'm 12 weeks and we still haven't told anyone but our parents, siblings, and a very small number of close friends.

    I don't know why you would even bother to bring this up. 1) She already told people, she can't un-tell them now. 2) It is not about YOU when someone else decides what THEY feel comfortable with. Your comment was out of place and a very bitchy thing to do.

    Calm your roll.  5 weeks is very early to tell people.  I don't think she was trying to be rude, I think she is trying to be protective, those of us who have had several losses and have had to tell people, know what that is like, and would like to keep others from feeling the same way.  It is horrible when people ask you about your baby and you're no longer pregnant.  Also, speaking of rude.  If you want to admonish someone in a post like this, at least have the decency to start off by saying "I'm sorry for your losses" 

    Protective how? OP already told people! What is jkelly going to do? Wave around her neuralizer so that everyone OP told will magically forget? Didn't think so.

    It would be one thing if OP hadn't have told anyone yet and voiced her idea about telling "early". In that case jkelly could have given her opinion on waiting since it still would have been an option.

    She told, it's done, end of story. No reason to start making OP worry and doubt herself. Andplusalso, no one is going to jinx themselves by telling when they feel like it.

  • jkelly41 said:
    I like them both.  I don't mean to be a downer, but having a history of m/c myself, I get uncomfortable when people spread the word far and wide so early.  Five weeks is still so early.  I'm 12 weeks and we still haven't told anyone but our parents, siblings, and a very small number of close friends.

    I don't know why you would even bother to bring this up. 1) She already told people, she can't un-tell them now. 2) It is not about YOU when someone else decides what THEY feel comfortable with. Your comment was out of place and a very bitchy thing to do.

    Calm your roll.  5 weeks is very early to tell people.  I don't think she was trying to be rude, I think she is trying to be protective, those of us who have had several losses and have had to tell people, know what that is like, and would like to keep others from feeling the same way.  It is horrible when people ask you about your baby and you're no longer pregnant.  Also, speaking of rude.  If you want to admonish someone in a post like this, at least have the decency to start off by saying "I'm sorry for your losses" 

    Protective how? OP already told people! What is jkelly going to do? Wave around her neuralizer so that everyone OP told will magically forget? Didn't think so.

    It would be one thing if OP hadn't have told anyone yet and voiced her idea about telling "early". In that case jkelly could have given her opinion on waiting since it still would have been an option.

    She told, it's done, end of story. No reason to start making OP worry and doubt herself. Andplusalso, no one is going to jinx themselves by telling when they feel like it.

    I never said anyone was jinxing themselves, that is  dumb.  I personally don't care when anyone chooses to tell, I just don't think the PP was being rude.  And honestly telling mom, dad, and friends is one things, but perhaps the OP hasn't told anyone at work yet, so the PP"s advice is still good.  Either way, there was no reason to get so heated about it.  It is a valid point.  5 weeks is early.  I'm happy the OP is so excited.  I myself struggle not to tell people early.  The only reason I don't, is because it kills me to tell people that I've miscarried.  Obviously telling or not has no weight on that happening. 
    Asher Benjamin and Lola Aisling

    PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency Disorder, Multiple Miscarriage
    Clomid, Metformin, Ovadril, PIO, P17 Iron/Platlet Tranfusion

    My Spring Babies! 
    <3 Angel Baby   Elisabeth Adelle  April 2008 <3
    Asher Benjamin  April 2010
    Lola Aisling  May 2014
  • Congrats! I like Katherine, but not Leighton. Especially when paired with another name that ends in a N sound.
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  • Honestly my symptoms have already been kicking me in the butt haha, so early or not it's hard not to tell anyone. Instead of sitting around for the next few weeks being terrified of a miscarriage I'm going to be happy and do whatever I can for a healthy baby. Stressing isn't going to help anything.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • and noone likes Katherine and Leighton together?! haha I love it, but I just thought I'd like to see peoples opinions.
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  • Can someone possibly message me about how to get the little tickers at the bottom of the post?
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • and noone likes Katherine and Leighton together?! haha I love it, but I just thought I'd like to see peoples opinions.

    I love it!!! I think it is Pretty but fun! :) go with whatever you and your DH want:) it will be the perfect name because you chose it and it will represent your baby!!
  • Thank you:] I gotta learn what all these things mean.. DH?
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Thank you:] I gotta learn what all these things mean.. DH?

    Dear husband :) it took me sometime to figure it all out! But if you google "TTC language" you can normally find a list of the most popular phrases :)
  • EandT622 said:
    Thank you:] I gotta learn what all these things mean.. DH?
    Dear husband :) it took me sometime to figure it all out! But if you google "TTC language" you can normally find a list of the most popular phrases :)

    Or you could just simply look at the bump glossary.


  • jkelly41 said:
    I like them both.  I don't mean to be a downer, but having a history of m/c myself, I get uncomfortable when people spread the word far and wide so early.  Five weeks is still so early.  I'm 12 weeks and we still haven't told anyone but our parents, siblings, and a very small number of close friends.

    I don't know why you would even bother to bring this up. 1) She already told people, she can't un-tell them now. 2) It is not about YOU when someone else decides what THEY feel comfortable with. Your comment was out of place and a very bitchy thing to do.

    Calm your roll.  5 weeks is very early to tell people.  I don't think she was trying to be rude, I think she is trying to be protective, those of us who have had several losses and have had to tell people, know what that is like, and would like to keep others from feeling the same way.  It is horrible when people ask you about your baby and you're no longer pregnant.  Also, speaking of rude.  If you want to admonish someone in a post like this, at least have the decency to start off by saying "I'm sorry for your losses" 

    Protective how? OP already told people! What is jkelly going to do? Wave around her neuralizer so that everyone OP told will magically forget? Didn't think so.

    It would be one thing if OP hadn't have told anyone yet and voiced her idea about telling "early". In that case jkelly could have given her opinion on waiting since it still would have been an option.

    She told, it's done, end of story. No reason to start making OP worry and doubt herself. Andplusalso, no one is going to jinx themselves by telling when they feel like it.

    I never said anyone was jinxing themselves, that is  dumb.  I personally don't care when anyone chooses to tell, I just don't think the PP was being rude.  And honestly telling mom, dad, and friends is one things, but perhaps the OP hasn't told anyone at work yet, so the PP"s advice is still good.  Either way, there was no reason to get so heated about it.  It is a valid point.  5 weeks is early.  I'm happy the OP is so excited.  I myself struggle not to tell people early.  The only reason I don't, is because it kills me to tell people that I've miscarried.  Obviously telling or not has no weight on that happening. 
    @washingtonqueen- if you think my comment was bitchy, you aren't on these boards that much..  It was hardly bitchy but I agree not totally necessary.  People will do what they want to do.

    I do love your idea of a "neutralizer" though.  That I will have to look into.  (now, that was bitchy)

    OP- my heart just aches some at early announcements and while I in no way intended to damper your excitement, I've experienced things and seen things I wish no one would have to.  I did answer your names question and did not mean to hijack your post with a war of words!
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  • jkelly41 said:
    @washingtonqueen- if you think my comment was bitchy, you aren't on these boards that much..  It was hardly bitchy but I agree not totally necessary.  People will do what they want to do.

    I do love your idea of a "neutralizer" though.  That I will have to look into.  (now, that was bitchy)

    OP- my heart just aches some at early announcements and while I in no way intended to damper your excitement, I've experienced things and seen things I wish no one would have to.  I did answer your names question and did not mean to hijack your post with a war of words!

    LOL! Feel free to look at my profile. Keep in mind that the bump ate about 600 of my posts during the format switch. I am FAR from a newbie, darling.

    Just to be clear, I said neuralizer. You know, the thing from Men In Black.

    I am sorry you have experienced loss and I understand your personal hesitation but, that doesn't mean everyone is going to feel the same way about waiting to tell and that is OK too.


  • I LOVE SAWYER.... Is that from Lost? One of the main characters was Sawyer.... 

    I dont know why everyone is posting about her telling people. Its her and her partners decision. I am 7 weeks pregnant and I told my close friends and family. I am not going to worry about having a miscarriage. If it happens, then it wasnt meant to be. But  I am not going to stress about it. 

    Congrats on your pregnancy and I love both girl and boy names. 
  • I like those names!
    IF DX: DOR & Fragile X pre-mutation carrier
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  • Well I had my first ultrasound. They wanted an early one since ive had such strong symptoms so early and everything is healthy. also we changed the girls name to Skylar Elizabeth. So Sawyer or Skylar.
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