New York Babies

Book Nook - UWS

Hi everyone!

I wanted to let you all know about an early childhood literacy program on the Upper West Side.  It's called Book Nook and it is FABULOUS!  My 2-year-old Declan is enrolled and he adores it.  I've never heard of anything like it for kids his age! The teachers really work with them on reading and writing, as well as separation - which has been a LIFESAVER, especially since I'm having a baby in a couple of months.  Dec has been very clingy lately, as I'm sure a lot of you understand!  But when we got to Book Nook, he was excited to be there and didn't even realize I was gone!  It's just a wonderful program and I think you should all check it out.  The classes are very small and intimate and the teacher gives an update at the end of every class.  It is truly amazing.  Get on over there, ladies!!!  :)
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