
Questions about finally seeing an RE (SAIFW)

DH and I have finally come to an agreement that this cycle (unless it works)will be our last with the ObGyn and are shopping for REs.

I have lots of questions.

1.  Is there anyone in the Tampa Bay or Orlando areas who would like to recommend their RE?  We're in the middle of the two areas. 

2.  How long does it usually take to get an HSG - from Dr. suggesting it to procedure itself?

3.  Besides the HSG and SA, what should we expect from the first visit?

4.  Anyone have success with injectables+TI?  We're still determined not to do IUI or IVF.

5.  Anyone done embryo adoption, or know anyone who has? 

Thanks in advance, ladies!

Re: Questions about finally seeing an RE (SAIFW)

  • Hi Meepit! I can't answer all your questions, but I can help with some :)

    1.  Is there anyone in the Tampa Bay or Orlando areas who would like to recommend their RE?  We're in the middle of the two areas.  Sorry, I'm in DC!

    2.  How long does it usually take to get an HSG - from Dr. suggesting it to procedure itself? It depends on where you are in your can only be done CD 5-10ish, so you call to schedule on CD1.

    3.  Besides the HSG and SA, what should we expect from the first visit? They'll probably want to run their own bloodwork, and may do an ultrasound as well. We just got TONS of info, from finances to our tentative plan to how agressive we wanted to be...just everything. And there was a packet of information to fill out and consents to sign.

    4.  Anyone have success with injectables+TI?  We're still determined not to do IUI or IVF. I posted this question on SAIF once since we're in the same boat. I received 3 responses, and all 3 had gotten pg on their first injectibles/TI cycle with single babies. I'll keep you updated on our upcoming cycle, too, since we'll be doing Clomid+Gonal-F+Ovidrel.

    5.  Anyone done embryo adoption, or know anyone who has?  Sorry, no!

  • 2.  How long does it usually take to get an HSG - from Dr. suggesting it to procedure itself? -it depends on where you are in your cycle. Since I was just past O I got to do it at the start of the next cycle (needs to be between day 7-12 typically)

    3.  Besides the HSG and SA, what should we expect from the first visit? We had a long discussion and the RE took a history, then she did a pelvic exam and took some cervical cultures. We then scheduled day 3 bloodwork and an ultrasound.

    Sorry I couldn't answer all of them.
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  • 1. N/A

    2. It really depends on what CD you see you r Doctor as it is cycle day specific (they like to have it done between CD6 and 10 at my office) For me I called on CD 1 and arranged all the appointments I needed.

    3. A lot of talking more then anything else. He will go over both you and your Hs medical history, family history etc. He may draw blood to check for STDs from both you and your H (not all REs do this - mine did). You may have an ultrasound. 

    4. N/A

    5. No, I do not know of anyone. 

    A lot of years and a million tears finally led me to you.
    After 7 years trying to concieve, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs, my third IVF was a success!
    My Christmas baby turned into a turkey bird! Dillon Richard was born at 34 weeks, 5 days on November 28, 2009 after 10 weeks on bedrest for preeclampsia.
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  • Hi Meepit!  I think it's great you both decided on this step.  I can only weigh in on a couple of questions:

    The HSG has to be scheduled on certain days, so like the PP have said it depends on where you are in your cycle.  Besides the HSG and SA we also did blood tests for both of us and an initial ultrasound.  It was clear, from my cycles with my OB and my history, that I wasn't ovulating and that was our only issue.  It turns out that my DH had a slight volume issue with his SA but his numbers were otherwise fine.

    We were successful with injectables and TI.  We planned to do an IUI but it was cancelled because I responded so poorly.  Of course it turns out I didn't respond that poorly after all.  If there are no structural issues and/or issues with cervical mucus and your husbands semen there really isn't any reason why you shouldn't be able to do TI. 

    Here's the unsolicited advice portion - I called around to several different REs and some had waiting lists for new patients that were over three months long.  If you are sure you want to move on to an RE there's no harm, IMO, in calling around now and seeing when you could get in.  If you can estimate when your CD3 will be that would be even better to get an appointment that day - if of course this cycle doesn't work, which I'm hoping it will.  I know for me once we made the decision to seek an RE's help waiting to see him or her for months would have been painful.  Good luck!

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  • 1.  Is there anyone in the Tampa Bay or Orlando areas who would like to recommend their RE?  We're in the middle of the two areas.   N/A

    2.  How long does it usually take to get an HSG - from Dr. suggesting it to procedure itself?

    Depends, I have really odd cycles. So they put me on BCP's for a month to kick my cycle in the ass so we can get it done ( last cycle was 85days!)

    3.  Besides the HSG and SA, what should we expect from the first visit?

    Not sure yet! GL

    4.  Anyone have success with injectables+TI?  We're still determined not to do IUI or IVF. NA

    5.  Anyone done embryo adoption, or know anyone who has?  NA

    Thanks for asking this.  I will be going to see an RE soon. After my HSG test.

  • 1. Can't help you there.

    2. It depends on how your dr. does it. My RE farmed it out, so I just went to my ob/gyn and set it up. They only do it during certain days of your cycle, so that's the rate-limiting factor.

    3. An extensive discussion of your medical and reproductive histories, possibly a vag u/s, setting up appts.

    4. I never got that far. That was the next step with my RE.

    5. nope.

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