how do you know when a cyst is bursting?
i feel full on pmsy today, and have been cramping for the past few days, but i am wary to get my hopes up to think i am actually getting my period.
i had read somehwere else that people can feel cysts bursting, was just curious if this sensation i am having now could be that.
Re: pcos question
PCOS, Ectopic & M/C of twins October 2010, Currently TTC #2
i def feel crampy and towards my ovaries, but not a pain like you described. it's so frustrated to feel crappy like this and just not get your period.
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
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You can definitely feel them when they burst it is really painful. But sometimes when they are smaller it just feeling like cramping so it could be that as well.
Feel better!!
*PCOS bio* *Cold Hands, Warm Heart*