Yesterday I started bleeding.....but it wasn't my normal type of period and it was on CD 26 of a 30 day cycle. So this morning I tested at 10dpo and I am pretty positive there was a faint line there! DH saw it, too!
Now commence the freak out because I don't understand the bleeding. It's super ridiculously light and colored different. I didn't have implantation bleeding with DD so I have no idea what's typical for that. Wo else had implantation bleeding? What was it like?
BFP #1 - January 2010...m/c at 12 weeks
BFP #2 - December 2011, little lady #1 born August 2012
BFP #3 - August 2013....m/c at 5 weeks
BFP #4 - October 2013....little lady #2 born June 2014
Re: Eeeeeeee!!!!
GL! And FX for you!
Mom of 2 monkeys and 1 on the way!
Christian12/06, Liam 08/12, Monkey #3 10/10