Cloth Diapering

Itti bitti tutto

I am just getting into cloth diapering and like so many people suggested I have a wide assortement of types of diapers so I could figure out what works best for me and LO. I really like they Itti bitti tuttos that I got, but I never hear any discussion about them. Has anyone used them, do they do well long term, do they leak, have stink issues? We have used them only a few times and I really really like them, but I am leary of getting more since no one seems to talk about them (good or bad) I do know that they are relatively new to the US.

Does/has anyone used them or have an oppinion?

Re: Itti bitti tutto

  • DS is almost 5 months (need to update my ticker...) and I added them to the rotation at about 6 weeks. We are really a prefold/fitteds/covers family but I have a few other types. I like my itti bitti tuttos fine and have never had a leak or problem with them but they aren't in heavy rotation. I just like prefolds more.
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    Married 10/24/09
    DS 4/2/13
  • I have 2 itti bitti d'lishes. I'm not a fan. They just never seemed to fit LO well. I really wanted to like them, though.
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    TTC #1 Since July 2012-BFP Sept 27, EDD June 9, 2013, Arrived June 14, 2013
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  • I have 4 itti bitti tuttos. Honestly, I go back and forth as to whether I love them. They hold a ton, and I love how trim they are. They're also super cute. On the downside, they can be a nightmare to spray with big messy poos, and it can be really tough to get a good fit on G (so I don't feel comfortable leaving them for DH (he rarely changes diapers) or babysitters). I'm sure I'll keep the ones I have, but I don't think I'll buy more. There are just other brands that I prefer.
    London Eye 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickersimage

  • Thank you! Maybe I will stick with the 2 I have and try a few more brands before buying  a bunch of them. 
    Thank you for the opinions 
  • I think they are not discussed much because they are pretty expensive diapers.  People tend to buy more affordable diapers around here.  We had five and didn't get a good fit on DD... her legs were just too skinny.  I REALLY wanted them to fit, though.  They seem like great quality diapers.  I ended up selling mine to get some with skinnier thighs.  
    DD #1 Eva- April 2011
    DD #2 Violet- October 2013
    DD#3 Due New Year's Eve 2016

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