Nurseries and Baby Gear

Steam Bottle Warmer ???

I was reading today that steam bottle warmers can work really well. They can warm a bottle of cold breast milk in 2-3 minutes.  I know you can warm breastmilk in bags with a cup of hot water, but was wondering how long it takes the water to warm the milk? I'm not sure if the bottle warmer would save time over just putting the bags in a cup of hot/warm faucet water. Anyone have experience with this?

Re: Steam Bottle Warmer ???

  • We had one and used it a lot actually. It took maybe like a minute or two, maybe three if I remember correctly to finish. We had one that would sterilize pacifiers as well.
  • i EP'd and used a dr. brown's bottle warmer for the entire first year. we didn't make it warm, just took the chill off, and it took less than a minute and a half. it was probably one of my most used baby gadgets that first year.

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  • We used a bottle warmer because LO would not take cold bottles.  At first we were using hot water to warm the bottle but decided this was a pain.  The water heater in our house is far away from the kitchen so it takes several minutes just to warm up water.  I hated wasting gallons of water down the sink when I just wanted to warm a bottle.  If you have warm water quickly at your tap, it doesn't take much longer.  If you have to wait for hot water like us, the bottle warmer is worth it.  If your baby will take cold bottles, I would suggest that!
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  • We used it because I pumped and would freeze some of my milk for times I wanted to drink alcohol. It would take 15 mins to unfreeze it. It was a life saver.
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